w3c / specberus

Checker used at W3C to validate the compliance of Technical Reports with publication rules
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CR pub fails due to spurious "missing transition request" issue #1770

Closed tabatkins closed 1 year ago

tabatkins commented 1 year ago

We're trying to publish CSS View Transitions as a CR, which we already have approval for in the transitions repo: https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/561

However, Specberus is failing with the following message:

"transition-checker": {
        "status": "error",
        "errors": [
          "Error: Issue not found on the github repository w3c/transitions. Make sure all the requirements are met: https://github.com/w3c/echidna/wiki/CR-publication-workflow#request-a-transition-request"

We have no idea what this check is actually asking for.

fantasai commented 1 year ago

See https://wiki.csswg.org/spec/publish#step-by-step-publishing-a-css-spec ; for CR you need to file an issue in the Transitions repo I don't think you can't publish it yourself.

tabatkins commented 1 year ago

Yes, that issue is already filled and linked in the original post. It was approved last week.

fantasai commented 1 year ago

I believe at this point the Team needs to handle the publication.

deniak commented 1 year ago

The list of requirements to publish CR with echidna is listed here. In this case, @plehegar needs to update his comment to 'Transition approved.' and the team contact needs to send a draft announcement to the communication team. Once reviewed, they will then comment 'draft transition received.'. With these 2 comments, echidna will be able to detect that the transition has been approved.

deniak commented 1 year ago

Also note that the title of the issue should end with the shortname of the spec.

It's important that the title of the issue ends with the shortname of your specification. That's how Echidna will find the right issue when processing your request.

tabatkins commented 1 year ago

The templates should be changed, then - currently it defaults the issue title to "CR Request for <title>", which suggests that what Khushal wrote was correct, rather than putting the shortname.

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

So the existing comment "Approved" isn't good enough and it needs the exact string "Transition approved."?

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

and the team contact needs to send a draft announcement to the communication team.

OK, on it.

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

"Some more information is needed before your document can be generated. Initial values may have been set automatically for some items, but please check to make sure they are correct."

SpecName |   -- | -- DocumentURI |   TransitionRequestURI |   FeedBackDueDate |   GroupName |   DisclosurePageURI |   Team Contact Name
However, for an automatic publication, `DocumentURI` is not known with any exactitude because it depends on which day the comm team adds the label that the draft is okay. I supose I will make an educated guess of this Monday. Has this procedure been, like, tested by someone?
svgeesus commented 1 year ago

Please try again. I have:

Please report here if it fails again.

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

@tabatkins who was doing the specberus publication, when it failed?

tabatkins commented 1 year ago


svgeesus commented 1 year ago

@khushalsagar do you want to try again, or would you rather I do it manually?

khushalsagar commented 1 year ago

@svgeesus happy to have you do it.

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

publication requested (manually) 3 Sept expected 5 Sept

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

I'm still interested to see if automatic CR publication works, but also unwilling to hold up a CR publication until after TPAC just to find out. Someone else can be the guinea-pig for this.

deniak commented 1 year ago

Hi Chris,

I think you now have all the requirements to publish that document with echidna. All you need to do is to:

Once it's done, you can trigger the request to echidna with the following command:

curl 'https://labs.w3.org/echidna/api/request' --data 'url=<pathToTheManifest>&decision=<decisionUrl>&token=<token>
svgeesus commented 1 year ago

Published (manually) 5 Sept