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Distributed Tracing Working Group Charter 2020 #214

Closed plehegar closed 3 years ago

plehegar commented 4 years ago

New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.

Charter Review


What kind of charter is this? Check the relevant box / remove irrelevant branches.

Horizontal Reviews (intended to be checked only by horizontal reviewers when they are satisfied with the charter)

Communities suggested for outreach: The group is already in communication with Open Telemetry

Known or potential areas of concern?: security, privacy

Where would charter proponents like to see issues raised? (github preferred, email, ...) https://github.com/w3c/distributed-tracing-wg/issues

Anything else we should think about as we review? nope

@mtwo @SergeyKanzhelev @danielkhan

michael-n-cooper commented 4 years ago

APA WG has no comments. Over to @brewerj to complete a11y horizontal review.

wseltzer commented 4 years ago

@samuelweiler could you please take a look

himorin commented 4 years ago

No request from i18n WG.

samuelweiler commented 4 years ago

Opened two issues: https://github.com/w3c/distributed-tracing-wg/issues/35 and https://github.com/w3c/distributed-tracing-wg/issues/36

Summary: I want clarification on if and when these specs are intended to touch the browser and, if they do, a specific plan (or work item added) for how to request user consent for temporarily enabling support.

Also see: https://github.com/w3c/trace-context/issues/392

brewerj commented 4 years ago

Confirming no accessibility issues to address.

samuelweiler commented 4 years ago

The snapshot circulated for internal review, linked above, needs a marker that it's out of date.

A new shapshot has gone out for member review.

samuelweiler commented 3 years ago

Call for review was supposed to close on 23 June and has apparently been extended.

wseltzer commented 3 years ago

Re-charter approved: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2020Aug/0008.html