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Web Machine Learning Working Group #232

Closed dontcallmedom closed 3 years ago

dontcallmedom commented 3 years ago

The discussions at the Web and Machine Learning workshop (see also #150) seems to support the notion that the Web Neural Network API developed by the WebML CG is providing the right kind of primitives to bootstrap wide-scale adoption of machine learning technologies by Web developers.

Early work on a draft charter has thus started - I expect we'll send an advance notice if we get confirmation this is the right direction in the last live session of the workshop.


wseltzer commented 3 years ago

Advance notice

himorin commented 3 years ago

no comment/request from i18n.

samuelweiler commented 3 years ago

I've slightly updated the charter template re: separate sections for privacy and security, but no blocking objections to the charter in this form.

FYI, PING conducted an early privacy review of the spec (minutes not yet posted). Concerns were expressed about fingerprinting.

michael-n-cooper commented 3 years ago

Sorry I overlooked this in my routine review of upcoming charters. I'm responding to a ping from @dontcallmedom. Unfortunately I'm unable to offer substantive input at this time, this is well out of my wheelhouse. The accessibility community has a substantial interest in machine learning, but I'm not able to determine if the proposed spec provokes that interest, or if it's lower level. I would like to run by the APA group, though that may be after W3M has reviewed this.

michael-n-cooper commented 3 years ago

APA does want to take a closer look at this, will ask @jasonjgw to review this week.

michael-n-cooper commented 3 years ago

Based on what review APA was able to do, there are no comments on this charter. Over to @brewerj to complete accessibility horizontal review.

wseltzer commented 3 years ago

Charter sent for AC review: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2021Feb/0007.html