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Develop safeguards against erroneous online (over)buying by elderly/others vulnerable due to cognitive impairment #235

Open sideshowbarker opened 3 years ago

sideshowbarker commented 3 years ago

Unfamiliarity with screen layouts and operating procedures among the elderly leads to a high rate of erroneous orders and other issues… confirmation and warning signs are small and difficult to notice. A system that can detect and limit unusual orders is needed to protect these new “vulnerable shoppers.” … Safeguards for over-orders are needed.

Internet service providers have developed technology to protect vulnerable consumers, mainly minors, by limiting viewing content, time and billing. However, mechanisms to protect the elderly are still in their infancy.

Technology can provide great benefits to the elderly by giving them access to the market, but it also needs to evolve to protect them from risk … develop technology to detect signs of excessive purchasing based on buying patterns.

Note: The bulleted points below are all verbatim quotations from the articles cited above.

Examples of specific problems that occur regularly among elderly users:


Exacerbated by current pandemic:

Data about the scale of the problems, and the rate at which they are increasing:

r12a commented 3 years ago

Seems to me we may be able to make a valuable contribution here. What shape would it take? WAI guidelines for app/content developers? Are there mechanisms that can be built in to the technology?

sideshowbarker commented 3 years ago

Seems to me we may be able to make a valuable contribution here. What shape would it take? WAI guidelines for app/content developers?

I suspect there might already be some WAI guidelines for this but regardless I’d hope providing some good up-to-date guidelines for developers on this could be made a priority.

Are there mechanisms that can be built in to the technology?

It seems like a class of problem that it’d be really difficult to develop solutions for that would run just in frontend code — I mean, it’s for me to imagine a new web-platform API that would help solve this. And even as far as the general problem that could be distilled from this, there are of course legitimate cases where people buy the same items repeatedly over time.

I guess the hard part is distinguishing between somebody doing an expected pattern of repeat buying versus an unexpected pattern of repeat buying. And I’d think that would require having some backend logic that does some relatively sophisticated analysis/learning of buying patterns, over time, across a big set of data — which I suppose takes it into the realm of AI and machine learning.

samuelweiler commented 3 years ago

This reminds me of some discussion during the FTC's recent workshop Bringing Dark Patterns to Light.

samuelweiler commented 2 years ago

@ianbjacobs @brewerj @shawna-slh What sorts of W3C-ish solutions might exist in this space? (And if we don't have any, should we close this issue?)

ianbjacobs commented 2 years ago

My sense is that we are unlikely to find support for built-in browser capabilities on this topic. I think that this feels very appropriate for an app / payment system, but that we will not find support for browsers tracking user transaction history.

brewerj commented 2 years ago

@samuelweiler thanks for surfacing this issue. This is a relevant accessibility concern for online purchasing, but whether or not it fits in a browser-facing payments spec is a good question.

@ianbjacobs thanks for your initial assessment that this wouldn't gain browser support. I'm not positive that that's the only question here.

@michael-n-cooper and I are currently brainstorming about this. Michael is suggesting that it might fit in a best practices or impact section for payments. Seeing this section here https://www.w3.org/TR/payment-request/#accessibility-considerations , this is the type of content that we were indeed hoping for this section. Would you be averse to considering that non-normative addition?

Separately, yes we can also address it at the accessibility guidelines level; however, Payment spec implementers are unlikely to see it there.

ianbjacobs commented 2 years ago

@brewerj, we've recently sent the transition request to publish PR API as a Recommendation. I would probably not support adding text at this point to version 1 of the API, but welcome suggestions to be incorporated into the Editor's draft that continues to evolve.

brewerj commented 2 years ago

hi @ianbjacobs , thanks for being open to some edits down the road. What's your expectation for further evolution of the draft, presumably post-Rec?

ianbjacobs commented 2 years ago

@brewerj, we have a number of 1.1 features we are already planning to integrate. Among them these pull requests: https://github.com/w3c/payment-request/pulls/