w3c / strategy

team-strat, on GitHub, working in public. Current state: DRAFT
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Charter proposal: Decentralized Identifier Working Group Charter #281

Closed iherman closed 1 year ago

iherman commented 2 years ago

New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.

Charter Review: Decentralized Identifier Working Group Charter

Charter: https://w3c.github.io/did-wg-charter/

What kind of charter is this? Check the relevant box / remove irrelevant branches.

Diff from previous charter. But the diff does not really make sense in this case. The previous (ie, current) charter is: https://www.w3.org/2020/12/did-wg-charter.html.

Issues at:

Horizontal Reviews: apply the Github label "Horizontal review requested" to request reviews for accessibility (a11y), internationalization (i18n), privacy, and security. Also add a "card" for this issue to the Strategy Funnel.

Communities suggested for outreach:

Known or potential areas of concern:


Where would charter proponents like to see issues raised? (this strategy funnel issue, a different github repo, email, ...)

Anything else we should think about as we review?


cc: @brentzundel @msporny @burnburn

michael-n-cooper commented 2 years ago

No comments from APA, over to @brewerj to complete accessibility horizontal review.

iherman commented 2 years ago

Can we issue an advanced notice? Actually, is this a requirement for a maintenance WG?

plehegar commented 2 years ago

we should send an advance notice indeed. @wseltzer ?

wseltzer commented 2 years ago

Sure, now that there's something to point at, please send the advance notice @iherman

iherman commented 2 years ago

Sure, now that there's something to point at, please send the advance notice @iherman

Done, see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Team/team-strat/2021Aug/0005.html

himorin commented 2 years ago

No comment/request from i18n.

samuelweiler commented 2 years ago

No security or privacy issues.

michael-n-cooper commented 2 years ago

APA would like to draw attention to recent updates to https://www.w3.org/TR/turingtest/. There are issues filed on this on which APA would like to collaborate with DID.