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Web of Things (WoT) WG Charter Extension via the Rechartering Process #298

Closed ashimura closed 1 year ago

ashimura commented 2 years ago

New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.

Charter Review

Charter: https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-ext.html

What kind of charter is this? Check the relevant box / remove irrelevant branches.



Communities suggested for outreach:

Known or potential areas of concern:

Where would charter proponents like to see issues raised? (this strategy funnel issue, a different github repo, email, ...)

Anything else we should think about as we review?

plehegar commented 2 years ago

Note that the proposal here is simply to extend the end date of the Group by one year. No other change (so far) on the charter.

himorin commented 2 years ago

(not as i18n HR & just a comment)

Communication section has a text as:

This group primarily conducts its technical work on GitHub issues using both a master repo and repos specific to each deliverable.

but a link at master repo seems an organization (named as wot) but not repo.

ashimura commented 2 years ago

(not as i18n HR & just a comment)

Communication section has a text as:

This group primarily conducts its technical work on GitHub issues using both a master repo and repos specific to each deliverable.

but a link at master repo seems an organization (named as wot) but not repo.

Sorry but I've just fixed the URL as "https://github.com/w3c/wot" for that link.

Could you please start an actual review now?

himorin commented 2 years ago

No comment/request from i18n

plehegar commented 2 years ago

This charter needs to switch to Patent Policy 2020.

brewerj commented 2 years ago

OK from my perspective, over to @michael-n-cooper to complete accessibility horizontal review.

ashimura commented 2 years ago

@himorin , @plehegar and @brewerj , thanks a lot! @plehegar , the draft Charter already refers to the Patent Policy 2020 :)

brewerj commented 2 years ago

Currently the Coordination section includes the following:

Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group For coordination on impacts of Web of Things technologies on accessibility to users with disabilities.

To highlight the importance of also harnessing new benefits of web-enabled connectivity, could we expand this description to include:

For coordination on impact of WoT technologies on accessibility for users with disabilities, and to support new capabilities that help leverage WoT connectivity and sensor networks for disability support in public and private spaces.

mmccool commented 2 years ago

@mmccool and @sebastiankb discussed and the suggested changes to the accessibility text seem appropriate. Will confirm with the WoT WG today and will ask for a resolution to update the draft charter.

ashimura commented 2 years ago

@wseltzer and @samuelweiler , we'd assume there should not be any (big) problems with security and privacy viewpoints either since this draft Charter for extension is basically identical to the current Charter.

Can we move forward to the next step?

mmccool commented 2 years ago

Update to a11y description done.

ashimura commented 2 years ago

@plehegar , the draft Charter already refers to the Patent Policy 2020 :)

After some more discussion with @plh , I've updated the Patent Policy section based on the latest Charter template.

Also updated the publication timeline based on what we've done, and added a link to our Extension Plan.

samuelweiler commented 2 years ago

Some editorial things; my privacy and security reviews are ongoing...

I notice that you're not using the current charter template. I'm content with the security and privacy text, but I'm calling it out so other reviewers will pay more attention

The link to the WoT IG charter is out of date. (Also, the old WoT IG charter doesn't include a pointer to the newer one.)

The copyright date has not been updated.

mmccool commented 2 years ago

To clarify, this is just an extension, so we are updating the previous charter. This is why we're not using the new template. Do we have to use a new template for an extension charter?

ashimura commented 2 years ago

The link to the WoT IG charter is out of date. (Also, the old WoT IG charter doesn't include a pointer to the newer one.)

The link to the WoT IG has been updated with: http://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-ext.html

The copyright date has not been updated.

Also the copyright year has been updated as "2022".

Thanks, @samuelweiler !

samuelweiler commented 2 years ago

To clarify, this is just an extension, so we are updating the previous charter. This is why we're not using the new template. Do we have to use a new template for an extension charter?

Typically, yes. We periodically make little changes in the template, some of which might be improvements. With as wordy as these charters are, using the template helps us maintain consistency without creating as much work for the reviewers (and editors). One little concrete example: the template now includes a pointer back to the charter's Github repository. When that's missing, as it is in this charter, a review needs to go sort out for themselves where to send comments.

samuelweiler commented 2 years ago

The link to the WoT IG charter is out of date. (Also, the old WoT IG charter doesn't include a pointer to the newer one.)

The link to the WoT IG has been updated with: http://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-ext.html

It looks like you pointed to the IG charter (yay), not the WG charter.

ashimura commented 2 years ago

The link to the WoT IG charter is out of date. (Also, the old WoT IG charter doesn't include a pointer to the newer one.)

The link to the WoT IG has been updated with: http://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-ext.html

It looks like you pointed to the IG charter (yay), not the WG charter.

Ah, sorry.

I think I meant: [[ The link to the WoT IG has been updated with: https://www.w3.org/2021/12/wot-ig-2021.html

Please see the updated proposed WG Charter at: https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-wg-2022-ext.html ]] :)

Sorry again for the confusion.

ashimura commented 2 years ago

@plehegar and @swickr , as responded by email, I've updated the draft Charter with the publication dates of the previous drafts based on your comments, and now we've got W3M's approval for the AC review. So I'll work with the MarComm Team for the announcement.