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Workshop on immersive worlds on the web #324

Open tidoust opened 2 years ago

tidoust commented 2 years ago

To explore the impact of immersive worlds, collectively known as the metaverse, on web technologies, @dontcallmedom and I are investigating a possible W3C workshop on immersive worlds on the web, tentatively scheduled in October/November 2022.

The draft Call for participation lists initial goals:

The scope and potential list of topics is to be refined based on feedback from interested parties.

himorin commented 1 year ago

i18n would want to request to consider adding following point to topics covered in the workshop:


tidoust commented 1 year ago

i18n would want to request to consider adding following point to topics covered in the workshop:

Thanks! I added the topics to the draft call for participation. Truth is they haven't surfaced in discussions we've had so far on immersive worlds. If i18n has names to suggest (publicly or privately) of people who could talk about these topics and spark more discussion, we're interested!

Yonet commented 1 year ago

@tidoust are you interested in speakers who are browser implementors or developers who implement machine translation? I can talk about implementing machine translation with integrated mouth animation or find some one else to do it.

In terms of topics, I think we have a good selection of topics and some are bigger discussions(ex: usage) that can be devided into few. Once we have speaker proposals we can structure the topics into sub-topics. Are we planning to accept more than one speaker on a particular topic?

Also, want to make sure we are open to speakers that are not W3C members before I encourage few experts. Thanks!

autonome commented 1 year ago

Hi, any update on date and location? (virtual I assume?! 😎)

Protocol Labs may be interested in participating to discuss content-addressed and p2p transports for interoperable and highly/offline available metaverse assets/content/metadata.

Yonet commented 1 year ago

Hi @autonome, we are planning for November but the date is not yet set. If you are interested in presenting, please see the info here: https://www.w3.org/2022/04/immersive-worlds-workshop/speakers.html.