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decryption for fetch Authorization #361

Open NickCarducci opened 1 year ago

NickCarducci commented 1 year ago

Any API must have it's caller with authorization bearer credentials decrypted outside of the scope of the client, and cannot be even sent the results of an encrypting/decrypting service (to protect the API user from theft).

If a private decryption method can hide the result from the public client caller (function), wouldn't a nice proposal be to have a new global fetch method that decrypts the Authorization headers of a W3C fetch request? This way we can have logic on the client (cloudflare edge service worker tokenize, no redirect nor digital ocean second POST needed, perhaps just GET from such a service hosting an API key to be held privately).

Example and pitfall:

Here, the service decrypts instead of the potential new (fetch) private caller (method), but cannot decryption of the Authorization header be called by a method that is private from the client AND the Network tab in Chrome devtools inspect, perhaps only when finally sending to HTTP (as I imagine the code, the data populating devtools happens within the block before return)?