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[ig/me] Media and Entertainment Interest Group rechartering #378

Closed ashimura closed 7 months ago

ashimura commented 1 year ago

New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.

Charter Review

Draft Charter:

What kind of charter is this? Check the relevant box / remove irrelevant branches.

The draft charter above is still under discussion by the IG.

Horizontal Reviews: apply the Github label "Horizontal review requested" to request reviews for accessibility (a11y), internationalization (i18n), privacy, and security. Also add a "card" for this issue to the Strategy Funnel.

Communities suggested for outreach:

Known or potential areas of concern:

Where would charter proponents like to see issues raised? (this strategy funnel issue, a different github repo, email, ...)

Anything else we should think about as we review?

plehegar commented 1 year ago

Advance notice: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2023AprJun/0011.html

ruoxiran commented 1 year ago


himorin commented 1 year ago

editorial: latest two entry (except one line for this) in history table has wrong link?

himorin commented 1 year ago

No comment nor request from i18n

matatk commented 1 year ago

From APA: We approve the MEIG charter. We filed a separate issue on the MEIG repo which also proposes a liaison between our groups. For convenience, here's a quote of that issue, filed by @JaninaSajka...

The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group, together with our Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) have reviewed this proposed Charter and are pleased to support it. Only if you agree, we would prefer a formal liaison and would like to name APA Co-Chair Janina Sajka as our liaison. We are also agreed among ourselves that it is time for us to update the Media Accessibility User Requirements (MAUR). To that end it may be helpful to have participation from one or more participants from the IG helping with this update, as we expect a major revision to encompass multiple opportunities we believe to be available now that were not available when MAUR was published in 2015. Also, if you are in agreement, we would appreciate having this update listed in the Scope section, i.e. "such as an update to the Media Accessibility User Requirements 1.0." In other words, while we will take responsibility for MAUR and also the lead in updating this document, we would prefer to develop the new version in close collaboration with the IG. We do note that MAUR 2.0 may also suggest certain enhancements to existing W3C specifications, or to HTML which may be out of scope for the IG, and that APA should perhaps publish the Note itself, but with the IG's technical support to the extent commensurate with your Charter.

svgeesus commented 1 year ago

No comments except Thank you for doing a good job on this charter

+1 to send to the AC once horizontal review is complete

chrisn commented 1 year ago

Thank you @svgeesus. We have updated the charter to describe the expected collaboration with APA WG, as suggested by @JaninaSajka and @matatk.

plehegar commented 9 months ago

AC Review: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2023JulSep/0029.html

plehegar commented 8 months ago

Some links need to be updated. See https://github.com/w3c/media-and-entertainment/pull/104

plehegar commented 8 months ago

@chrisn @ashimura is there still a need to have a special homepage for this IG? Looking at the current homepage, it seems outdated (still using the Ubiquitous domain) and doesn't add information compared to the default homepage. You won't be able to customize it much but maintenance is a LOT easier.

plehegar commented 8 months ago

@chrisn , please use the W3C calendar to track IG meetings. At the moment, it's a guess game for outsiders to see where the IG meetings are announced, where past meetings happened, etc. If you need a walk around on how to use the calendar system, I'm happy to give you one.

Update: actually, you do use the system. my apologizes.

himorin commented 8 months ago


chrisn commented 8 months ago

@plehegar On the calendar, we do use it, but don't have a recurring entry for future meetings. That could be useful. On the homepage, I'll discuss with @ashimura and co-chairs and let you know.

@himorin Thank you, we'll update the charter to fix those editorial issues.

plehegar commented 7 months ago

Announced: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2023OctDec/0023.html