w3c / strategy

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[wg/rdf-star] RDF-star Group Charter #467

Open pchampin opened 4 days ago

pchampin commented 4 days ago

New charter proposal, reviewers please take note.

Charter Review

Charter: https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star-wg-charter/

diff from previous charter

The group is chartered until August 2024, and is behind schedule on its deliverables. The group believes that it needs one more year to complete its work, so a regular charter extension (limited to 6 months) is not appropriate. Furthermore, the group would like to continue in maintenance mode once the deliverables are published (the published recommendations will allow new features).

Except for the new schedule, and the transition to maintenance mode, the new charter does not contain any substansive change compared to the previous one, so we don't expect any major issue with horizontal reviews.