w3c / svgwg

SVG Working Group specifications
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[svg-native] Support for font variations? #677

Open litherum opened 5 years ago

litherum commented 5 years ago

One of the use cases for SVG Native is color fonts. “Variable fonts” is an unrelated technology allowing the contents of a glyph to be sensitive to a collection of floating-point parameters. For example, a “weight” parameter can modify the control points of a path so that the shape gets thicker.

Is support for this desirable in the first place?

It may be the case that support for this facility is best handled in the OpenType spec, instead of the SVG native spec. We should work with OpenType to determine where the best place for this would be.

There are many ways SVG could respond to these variations. Should any value of any attribute of any element be able to respond to these values? How much of the existing font infrastructure should we be trying to re-use?

dirkschulze commented 5 years ago

IMO we should have a concrete proposal for font variations first.