w3c / sync-media-pub

Repository of the Synchronized Multimedia for Publications Community Group
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Sync Media Document structure #37

Closed iherman closed 3 years ago

iherman commented 3 years ago

§3.2 says:

A SyncMedia document contains two parts: a head and a body.

In practice that looks o.k., but formally it is not: if we consider Sync Media as a version of SMIL (see also #35), then there is a smil element on top. That is actually so specified in the content model, and there is also a note in §5.1 about this, but I believe this should be made clear in this section right away. Also, all examples should be correct (ie, with a smil element on top) or the text should make it clear that the examples are not to be considered as correct.

marisademeglio commented 3 years ago

Yep this is related to delaying a serialization format decision.

Also see the note here which acknowledges that the smil element has gone unmentioned thus far.