w3c / sync-media-pub

Repository of the Synchronized Multimedia for Publications Community Group
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Visualizer not working #46

Closed gbarreiro closed 3 years ago

gbarreiro commented 3 years ago

Hello everybody! I'm trying out the demos in this repository, but the "visualizer" one (/demo/visualizer) is not working for me. I've just opened the syncnarr.html file and disabled the Cross-Origin and local file restrictions, but I just see this:

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From the logs in the JS console of my browser, I deduced that the problems were due to the JavaScript scripts imported in the header. The two first ones (highlight.min.js and svg.min.js) were easily fixed by appending "https://" in the beginning of the URL. However, I'm not able to solve the audiobooks.js, moment.js and vis.js imports, since I can't find any of those JavaScript files in the repository. From where should I import them? Thank you in advance.

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marisademeglio commented 3 years ago

Ah sorry! The demos are kind of a mess at the moment, I didn't actually mean to add that folder just yet (but once I did I figured maybe that will pressure me into finishing it sooner than later!). The visualizer does work (for me) (locally), so I will see if I can post it later today.

gbarreiro commented 3 years ago

Excellent, thank you for your answer!

marisademeglio commented 3 years ago

@gbarreiro I made some updates, you can see the visualizer here: https://w3c.github.io/sync-media-pub/demo/visualizer/

Just load a file listed on the lefthand side to see it represented as a graph.