w3c / touch-events

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Add getModifierState definition to TouchEvent #91

Closed dtapuska closed 2 years ago

dtapuska commented 6 years ago

This matches the text that is used in the UI Events spec.

patrickhlauke commented 6 years ago

Looks conceptually good to me (though, as an aside - and not having properly looked at the UI Events spec - what would the keyArg actually look like in use? i.e. if i had a touch, what would I write to query if shift is also pressed? something like e.targetTouches[0].getModifierState("Shift") ? and would upper/lowercase etc matter?)

further, per https://github.com/w3c/touch-events/pull/90, do we need to make sure to add web platform tests for it?

dtapuska commented 6 years ago

This is on the TouchEvent and not TouchPoint so you might say something like:

e.getModifierState("CapsLock") or e.getModifierState("Shift")

Specifically this adds the ability to query the non (alt/ctrl/meta/shift) modifiers that getModifierState allows... which is the useful part.

patrickhlauke commented 6 years ago

This is on the TouchEvent and not TouchPoint so you might say something like:

Oops, right you are.

e.getModifierState("CapsLock") or e.getModifierState("Shift")

Ah, perfect.

So yeh, happy to merge when/if we include a web platform test (if that's feasible/easy to test)

patrickhlauke commented 5 years ago

@dtapuska is this mergeable? are there any web platform tests for it now?

dtapuska commented 5 years ago

It is mergeable but we don't have an implementation or web platform tests since there wasn't any traction on it. @NavidZ can you get someone to complete this?

NavidZ commented 5 years ago

@dtapuska you mean the Chrome implementation or the test or both? Has there been any recent tractions and requests to get this in or is it just to align touch events with ui events?

dtapuska commented 5 years ago

The Chrome implementation has neither. But it does have accessors for alt,ctrl,shift,meta. So really it should have the API on the IDL for modifierState to query them all. This is just a consistency thing. The data should be there already for the Chrome implementation, the IDL just needs to change and web platform tests need to be written.

patrickhlauke commented 2 years ago

@dtapuska @NavidZ what's the state of this? should it be merged?

dtapuska commented 2 years ago

I think it should for consistency. However I don't think any browser implements it yet. @flackr @mustaqahmed ?

patrickhlauke commented 2 years ago

@flackr @mustaqahmed any idea? (sorry for harking on here, but keen to clear the deck of any long-standing PRs etc)

mustaqahmed commented 2 years ago

I agree with the consistency comment, but also share the cross-browser support concern there! So LGTM provided we have either a supporting comment from another browser or a WPT.

flackr commented 2 years ago

I think merging this and adding a wpt is reasonable. As @dtapuska pointed out we already have all of the information so adding support should be simple and non-controversial.

patrickhlauke commented 2 years ago

I'll go ahead and merge, and make a new issue about getting a wpt. Now the million dollar question...who's got the knowledge/time to make a wpt? ...