w3c / tpac2023-breakouts

Repository setup to collect and organize breakout session proposals for TPAC 2023
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Web Components API/Specs Report and Alignment #17

Open Westbrook opened 1 year ago

Westbrook commented 1 year ago

Session description

The Web Components Community Group will share their 2023 report on the APIs and specs that are deserving of prioritization across implementors in 2023 going into 2023. This follows up on previous reports in 2021 and 2022. From there, we will have an open discussion on how the community group can support implementors in shipping, coming to consensus, or altering various specs in order to get them into the hands of developers and their site/application visitors in as prompt a manner as possible.

Last years discussion focused on browser parity and spec alignment. Implementor partnerships lead to x-browser support for Imperative Slotting and Constructible Stylesheets, expanded support for Form Associated Custom Elements, and progress on CSS module scripts, as well as the triumphant return of the Web Components Spring Face to Face (albiet virtual) to further flush out features like Cross-root Aria, Scoped Registries, and Declarative Shadow DOM. We look forward to what we can do in the next year as we continue to develop the relationship between implementors and web developers.

Session goal

Align implementors on high priority web component APIs for shipping in 2024

Additional session chairs (Optional)


IRC channel (Optional)


Who can attend

Anyone may attend (Default)

Session duration

60 minutes (Default)

Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

No response

Estimated number of in-person attendees

Don't know (Default)

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda, minutes, slides, etc. (Optional)

tidoust commented 12 months ago

Had to drop the "early draft" from the agenda link. Sorry, our system cannot deal with nuances!

keithamus commented 12 months ago

Summary of meeting:

justinfagnani commented 12 months ago

@justinfagnani claims the WCCG used to be part of the WAWG, and maybe ownership and process needs clarity.

I said that I believe the web components work used to happen under the WebApps WG, not that WCCG was part of that WG. The WCCG didn't exist back then.

keithamus commented 12 months ago

Thanks, updated.