w3c / tpac2023-breakouts

Repository setup to collect and organize breakout session proposals for TPAC 2023
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Unleashing the Power of Computational Intelligence on the Web #24

Open rachelyager-nyc opened 11 months ago

rachelyager-nyc commented 11 months ago

Session description

In this session, we will explore how the deployment of Computational Intelligence as a Service (CIaaS) is reshaping web technologies and impacting the global digital community. We will discuss essential web technologies underpinning CIaaS, including cloud computing infrastructure, data analytics tools, and advanced machine learning algorithms. Participants will gain insights into how these technologies drive computational intelligence capabilities on the web, enhance user experiences, and facilitate data-driven decision-making. The session will also provide a platform to foster dialogue, exchange ideas, and build a community centered around advancing the application of CIaaS on the web. Whether you are an industry practitioner, a researcher, or a tech enthusiast, this session promises to enrich your understanding of the transformative power of computational intelligence on the web.

Session goal

The objective of this session is to facilitate an open community discussion about the challenges and impact of Computational Intelligence on the Web.

Additional session chairs (Optional)

Gabriella Pasi

IRC channel (Optional)


Who can attend

Anyone may attend (Default)

Session duration

60 minutes (Default)

Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)


Estimated number of in-person attendees

Don't know (Default)

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda, minutes, slides, etc. (Optional)

npdoty commented 10 months ago

What do you mean by "computational intelligence"? What is computational intelligence as a service?

rachelyager-nyc commented 9 months ago

Speakers for the Session:

  1. Rachel Yager, Ph.D., Evangelist and Chapter Head for W3C. Founder of FortuneTimesGroup (Host of W3C New York Metropolitan Chapter). W3C Invited Expert for Web Machine Learning Working Group.
  2. Gabriella Pasi, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for International Relations at Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
  3. Joshua Lochner, Open Source Machine Learning Engineer at Hugging Face.
  4. Adam Sobieski, Research Scientist at Phoster Corporation.
  5. Luigi Troiano, Ph.D., Founder of Kebula, Former Chair of the Italian Chapter (UNINFO CT 533) at ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial Intelligence.
  6. Victoria López, Ph.D., Director of the Polytechnic School at CUNEF University.
rachelyager-nyc commented 9 months ago


[Session Opening] Unleashing the Power of Computational Intelligence on the Web. TPAC Sep 13, 2023.pdf

[Adam Sobieski] Towards a Protocol for Computational Intelligence as a Service.pdf

[Victoria Lopez] Computational Intelligence & Health.pdf

rachelyager-nyc commented 9 months ago

The Computational Intelligence Business Group has been proposed.

 You are invited to support the creation of this group:    http://www.w3.org/community/groups/proposed#computationalibg 

The Computational Intelligence Business Group's main objective is to promote engagement from members of the Computational Intelligence Research and Development community and the broader ecosystem, aiming to mold the Web's foundation for Computational Intelligence as a Service (CIaaS). The group serves as a conduit for dialogue, enabling mutual feedback between the CIaaS community and the W3C.

The group's fundamental operation revolves around nurturing the acceptance and ongoing evolution of pertinent W3C Working Groups, such as Machine Learning, Ontology, Dataset, and WoT. The primary collaboration will be creating use cases and adopting emerging technologies related to the CIaaS ecosystem.

The Business Group (BG) works closely with members, chapters, and the staff of the W3C to support additional operations that help guide the Web to its full potential for CIaaS Services. These operations include events, webinars, training, marketing, and promotional activities.

The BG encompasses Product R&D teams, CIaaS service providers, end-users (developers, data scientists, startups, and corporations), regulatory entities overseeing service usage and application; Platforms supplying the infrastructure and tools required to execute CIaaS; Machine learning frameworks that are essential components of the CIaaS; Specific product applications or services available through CIaaS; and the AI and Machine Learning Community.

This group aims to release W3C Business Group Reports, suggesting Use Cases and Specifications for integration into existing and forthcoming Standards.

You are invited to support the creation of this group: http://www.w3.org/community/groups/proposed#computationalibg

Once the group has a total of five supporters, it will be launched and people can join to begin work. Once launched, the group will no longer be listed as "proposed"; it will appear in the list of current groups: http://www.w3.org/community/groups/

In order to support the group, you will need a W3C account. To request one: http://www.w3.org/accounts/request