w3c / tpac2023-breakouts

Repository setup to collect and organize breakout session proposals for TPAC 2023
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Accessible Foundation for Passwordless Experiences with FIDO Passkey #64

Open chulka opened 10 months ago

chulka commented 10 months ago

Session description

FIDO is seeking community insights to get feedback on the team’s findings from UX research and through conducting screen reader audits of live Passkey deployments. The Team will focus on 3 key accessibility areas exposed through our research and audits:

  1. What we know about Passkey accessibility as it relates to accessibility of the website as a whole
  2. What we anticipate needing by ways of standardized support as auto-fill becomes essential in Passkey experiences.
  3. What we don’t know about alternative transport mechanism that are accessible and can replace/supplement/modify current solutions.

Session goal

Community insights and feedback

Additional session chairs (Optional)

Joyce Oshita, Kevin Goldman

IRC channel (Optional)


Who can attend

Anyone may attend (Default)

Session duration

60 minutes (Default)

Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

51, #19, #10

Estimated number of in-person attendees

Don't know (Default)

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

Prefered time later in the day due to virtual participation from West Coast US. Please avoid the 3-4pm timeslot.

Agenda, minutes, slides, etc. (Optional)

ojoycevm commented 9 months ago

Thank you W3C community! Invaluable feedback and support for next steps to ensure FIDO accessibility continues to mature. Initial focus has been on the end user experience. During the breakout, FIDO was challenged to extend accessibility efforts to the developer experience. (This got missed in our notes but so important to track for future).