w3c / tpac2023-breakouts

Repository setup to collect and organize breakout session proposals for TPAC 2023
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Beyond Text: WAI-Adapt AAC Symbol Specification, for Visual Markup #71

Open lwolberg opened 10 months ago

lwolberg commented 10 months ago

Session description

The background and a demonstration of the WAI-Adapt Symbols Module, the inaugural segment of the broader WAI-Adapt technical specification. This module offers markup for symbols based on underlying semantics such as "food" or "help." Users can enjoy personalized web content, with symbols rendered in their own preferred visual language. This is the first semantics codified for such symbols, allowing for the diversity in symbol choices across different institutions, regions, and cultures. A notable application is in video chapter headings, facilitating at-a-glance access. The result will likely benefit people of all types of abilities, including people with cognitive disabilities, AAC symbol users and a general audience alike, as the symbols enhance readability.

Session goal

Background of the specification, a demonstration and discussion.

Additional session chairs (Optional)

No response

IRC channel (Optional)


Who can attend

Anyone may attend (Default)

Session duration

60 minutes (Default)

Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

No response

Estimated number of in-person attendees

Don't know (Default)

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda, minutes, slides, etc. (Optional)

ianbjacobs commented 9 months ago

We’ve published the Zoom recording made for your session. We invite you to review the automatically generated captions and propose fixes.