w3c / tpac2024-breakouts

Repository setup to collect and organize breakout session proposals for TPAC 2024
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Simplifying the Updatable REC Process: Let's Find Solutions Together! #11

Open marcoscaceres opened 4 days ago

marcoscaceres commented 4 days ago

Session description

Join us at the W3C TPAC 2024 Tech Plenary to address the challenges and potential solutions for the updatable REC process. We'll focus on the issues outlined in issue #866 and collaborate on making the process more efficient.

Core Challenges:

  1. Complex Manual Markup: The requirement for detailed manual markup (e.g., <ins>, <del>, specific classes) is time-consuming and prone to errors, frustrating many editors.
  2. Detailed Change Tracking: Extensive documentation and linking for each change add unnecessary overhead, often leading to mistakes and confusion.
  3. Inflexible Class System: The rigid classification system complicates the editing process and increases the potential for errors.

Proposed Alternatives:

Additional Strategic Alternatives:

Session goal

Improve process and tooling

Additional session chairs (Optional)

No response

Who can attend

Anyone may attend (Default)

IRC channel (Optional)


Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

No response

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda for the meeting.

No response

marcoscaceres commented 4 days ago

Cc'ing @fantasai, @plehegar, @ianbjacobs, @dontcallmedom

tpac-breakout-bot commented 4 days ago

Thank you for proposing a session!

You may update the session description as needed and at any time before the meeting, but please keep in mind that tooling relies on issue formatting: follow the instructions and leave all headings and other formatting intact in particular. Bots and W3C meeting organizers may also update the description, to fix formatting issues or add links and other relevant information. Please do not revert these changes. Feel free to use comments to raise questions.

Do not expect formal approval; W3C meeting organizers endeavor to schedule all proposed sessions that are in scope for a breakout. Actual scheduling should take place shortly before the meeting.

sideshowbarker commented 4 days ago

I think the list of Core Challenges with the current REC updating requirements should include:

“Candidate Recommendations”, in contrast, can be directly autopublished/re-published by Working Groups themselves —with no need to make a request to the Team, and with no AC review needed. Specifically, for “Candidate Recommendations”:

So the issue description’s Introduce a 'Living Recommendation' Model alternative would also necessarily need to allow Working Groups to do what they can already do now with CRs: autopublish directly on their own, without AC review.

I also think the word updatable understates what the actual need is: What’s rightly needed is to make RECs maintainable.