w3c / tr-pages

Work on the w3.org/TR index page (not specs themselves)
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search by editor is not very helpful #12

Open chaals opened 7 years ago

chaals commented 7 years ago

There are far too many editors to make this a good search term. If people know who they are looking for they can use find in page. If you really want to be able to browser by editor, put it in a "hard-to-use" mode.

xfq commented 6 years ago

I used to use this feature (before the redesign of /TR), although not very often. "Find in page" can not give me a good overview of "who does what".

plehegar commented 5 years ago

I like the hard-to-use mode, ie an advanced search option on the page.

michael-n-cooper commented 5 years ago

I use (or used to use, before it was removed) "search by editor" frequently. My main reason is to search for specs on which I am an editor, so I can find prior art as I prepare a new document (such as the Status of This Document or Abstract which in WAI can have a high approval effort so I prefer to find previously approved versions to start a new one). I also recently need to be able to find old documents that maybe should be retired or obsoleted. I sometimes search on editors other than myself, so I can have a sense of how active a particular person is, or look at examples of things they've done, etc.

I want to be able to search for all specs published by a given Working Group for the same reasons.

Searching on a technology category is also really helpful, particularly when starting a new document in a suite and needing to see the rest of the suite it will fall into. It used to be something I could include in the publication request. The "tags" on the current TR are too generic for that purpose.

I don't mind if features like this are in an "advanced search" interface, but it's a big problem sometimes for them to be absent.