w3c / tr-pages

Work on the w3.org/TR index page (not specs themselves)
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groups of documents as one logical unit? #13

Open iherman opened 6 years ago

iherman commented 6 years ago

We do have loads of cases when one 'Recommendation', in the vague sense is, in fact, defined through 3-4 (or maybe even more) Recommendations. Web Annotation, RDFa, OWL, Social Web, SSML, etc, come to my mind, I am sure everyone has at least on example in her practice. I would love to have a link of the sort, say, /TR/ssml that would provide a unified view for all the relevant and interrelated specifications. Ideally, /TR/ssml/latest, /TR/ssml/upcoming, etc, would provide me all the relevant information for the constituent documents. From a more technical aspect pow, I would like to have a URL to designate, say, RDFa or SSML as a conceptual Recommendation. I would think that that lambda users search for something like that, rather than the individual Recs. The old TR made some attempt to create such groups, however incomplete and ad-hoc they are.

We could (should?), in any case, recommend groups to systematically produce a Working Group Note whose role is to serve as such first level entry point. Some groups did that in the past (see, e.g., [1], although it was probably unjustified to publish that as a Recommendation). But I have no idea how to handle that for historic document (apart from doing that manually...)

[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-overview/

tripu commented 6 years ago

@iherman, see change no. 1 here: spec-prod mailing list: “upcoming changes for W3C reports and our /TR pages” Not exactly your proposal, since that refers more to latest versions of the same spec superseding older ones, etc. But your suggested links could be an extension of that model.

iherman commented 6 years ago

I came to this issue reading that mail:-) Yes, if we have a URL for, say, SSML, then it should probably follow the same model. The question is whether the only action we can do is to try to convince WG-s that produce such family of specs to provide a note and let bygone be bygone, or whether we can do something about history.