w3c / tr-pages

Work on the w3.org/TR index page (not specs themselves)
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Add link to list of all versions of the spec #16

Open tripu opened 6 years ago

tripu commented 6 years ago

Disclaimer: think of this idea purely as progressive enhancement (read: don't complain about the need to run JS and load things dynamically). If the network is slow and dynamic data doesn't arrive, or if the UA isn't running JS, the spec stays as it is.

On top of @plehegar's idea to display a collapsible section at the very top with related links (latests, ED, etc), we could have an even more comprehensive list of the whole “history” of the spec — a “changelog” — and where the version the user is seeing atm fits within the “lineage”.

There could be a link, or a button for this. When clicked/pressed, a pop-up would show up with a list of all versions of the spec.

Something like this (ignore the hyperlinks):

This info would come from the API. As it works in Unitas and Apiary. See, for example, the list of spec versions here: labs.w3.org/unitas/?s=html51#versions

plehegar commented 6 years ago

Actually, I thought of an alternate proposal last week and just got around to publish it today: instead of having the complete history in the headers or having a dated previous link, just point to the /TR history page. See https://rawgit.com/w3c/tr-design/versioning/versions-proposal.html

tripu commented 6 years ago

Right, @plehegar. These ideas are both similar, I think.

Main difference is: “load history via API, and show as a pop-up” vs. “simply add a link that points to the corresponding history page under /TR”.

We could always serve the latter embedded in the markup (for UAs w/o JS), and also provide the former as an improvement (for the vast majorities of UAs out there).

plehegar commented 6 years ago

Adding a link is way easier than adding JS code imho. I'd rather avoid the JS solution if we have a way around it.

tripu commented 6 years ago

Okay, I don't mind having @plehegar's simpler solution only (although, for the record, I like the quick live navigation between all versions of the spec that the JS pop-up would provide).

plehegar commented 6 years ago

@tripu, how about you fork https://rawgit.com/w3c/tr-design/versioning/versions-proposal.html in a separate branch and make a quick mock up of what it would look like?

tripu commented 6 years ago

Note to self: timeline on the right-hand side of an IE3 standard.