w3c / tr-pages

Work on the w3.org/TR index page (not specs themselves)
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"Reset" button looks like Submit #69

Closed wseltzer closed 6 years ago

wseltzer commented 6 years ago

Move or re-style the Reset button so it doesn't look like a submit button for the filtering (which appears to happen automagically with no submit, but with weird delay).

tripu commented 6 years ago

The delay (1.5 s) is there because otherwise the page would change every time you typed or deleted a single character in the “title” field, or changed one of the drop-down menus. (We could add a “submit” button instead and not filter automatically, but it'd make the UI slower, and we would need to fit yet another control in the form.)

I'm not sure what a “submit” button looks like… that is just a button, with no special styling.

Would “✗” be more intuitive than “reset”?

Put in in a different place?

@tanyeah, wdyt?

wseltzer commented 6 years ago

@tripu Put it in a different place, yes.

Returning to the page, the automagic is still un-intuitive. Once I've filtered, the page shouldn't change automatically back to the unfiltered view, which it seems to do.

tripu commented 6 years ago

For the moment, I've assigned this issue to myself. I'll try to find a better place/appearance for that button.

@wseltzer, I don't understand what you mean, sorry. “Once I've filtered, the page shouldn't change automatically back to the unfiltered view.” The page changes whenever one changes the filters in any way (after that delay of 1.5 s) — either adding a filter, modifying one, removing one, or resetting all of them at once. It does not change “automatically back to the unfiltered view” unless the user has clicked that “reset” button (or removed all filters manually one by one).

It should behave like filters here: https://fonts.google.com/ (except there's no delay there).

If it's the delay what's confusing, I'll try reducing it to 0.5 s or so. (My fear, and the reason for that delay in the first place, is that filters modify the layout of the page and the visibility of ~1,100 complex elements on it at once, and that that may take some time on slow platforms and make the interface less responsive…)

wseltzer commented 6 years ago

@tripu I guess it wasn't automatically reverting, but it felt that way, since I wasn't expecting the page to keep changing as I pondered what to type into the form.

For me, the "fonts" page works because the feedback is instantaneous -- so I know it's changing in response to what I type or delete. Whereas the /TR page delay breaks my instinctive understanding of what's happening.

I would either remove the delay entirely (not just reduce to .5s) or remove the automatic action (and make it click-to-submit instead).

wseltzer commented 6 years ago

but the reset button still invites pressing because it's in the position where one would expect a Submit

tripu commented 6 years ago

I don't know, @wseltzer… I wonder if others see it the same way as you. It's the only button on the form, and its label is very succinct and unambiguous. Where would you put it? (@tanyeah, I appreciate suggestions :)

tanyeah commented 6 years ago

@tripu, one thing I can think to do is to increase the button and font size so that the 'Reset' label is more obvious. Position-wise, I think it's fine as it is. @wseltzer, would that help?