w3c / tr-pages

Work on the w3.org/TR index page (not specs themselves)
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Use sectioning elements/landmarks #7

Open LJWatson opened 7 years ago

LJWatson commented 7 years ago

mockup1 does not use sectioning elements to represent major areas of content. Elements like <nav>, <main>, <header>, and <footer>, provide useful semantic information for screen readers (many of which also have the ability to navigate by those elements).

Recommend using the relevant HTML elements, or if this isn't possible, adding the corresponding ARIA landmark roles to the <div> and <span> elements already in use.

chaals commented 6 years ago

Please, use actual HTML...

LJWatson commented 6 years ago

It looks as though mockup 1 now uses these elements. Suggest this issue can be closed.

tripu commented 6 years ago

@LJWatson, as much as I'd like to close this issue, I don't see sectioning elements nor role attributes on the current design…

We started off the existing general W3C boilerplate, and improving the chrome (navigation menus, headers, footers, etc) that surrounds the actual content of the page is beyond scope for this project. But we can at least make use of those elements for everything that is inside div#w3c_content_body.

We'll tackle this — thanks for testing!