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W3C Transitions
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CR Request for WebAssembly JS API - wasm-js-api #652

Open dschuff opened 4 days ago

dschuff commented 4 days ago

Document title, URLs, estimated publication date

WebAssembly JavaScript Interface https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-js-api-2/ Estimated publication date: ASAP


This document provides an explicit JavaScript API for interacting with WebAssembly.

This is part of a collection of related documents: the Core WebAssembly Specification, the WebAssembly JS Interface, and the WebAssembly Web API.


WD: existing status can be seen in the doc at the link above Status for all the various states (including what the CR status will be) can be found in our Bikeshed boilerplate files: https://github.com/speced/bikeshed-boilerplate/tree/main/boilerplate/wasm

Link to group's decision to request transition



Changes to the core spec since 1.0 listed at https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-core-2/#change-history and include following extension proposals: Sign extension instructions; Non-trapping float-to-int conversions; multi-value block types and function results; reference types, table instructions, and multiple tables; bulk memory and table instructions; SIMD vector instructions.

Most of these do not affect the JS API directly; however with the reference type update JS object may be passed into wasm as externref references, and multiple tables may now be imported/exported to JS.

Requirements satisfied

Dependencies met (or not)

Dependencies are unlikely to change

Wide Review

[TODO: horizontal review?] Issues are tracked at https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues Email announcement at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webassembly/2024Jul/0000.html

Issues addressed

Issues are tracked at https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues

Formal Objections

None raised


All of these features have been implemented in all 3 major browser engines. A full feature matrix including version information can be found at https://webassembly.org/features/

Patent disclosures

[TODO: link to IPP]

dschuff commented 4 days ago

/cc @sideshowbarker @lukewagner @rossberg

plehegar commented 1 day ago

See https://github.com/w3c/transitions/issues/651#issuecomment-2353254462