w3c / trusted-types

A browser API to prevent DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting in modern web applications.
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WPT for CSP header `trusted-types 'none' 'none'` missing #508

Closed mbrodesser-Igalia closed 2 weeks ago

mbrodesser-Igalia commented 2 months ago

Behavior should equal the one for trusted-types 'none'.

ziransun commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure if it's valid to set the trusted-types 'none' 'none' since 'none' has no effect unless it is the only expression in the directive value. @lukewarlow @mbrodesser-Igalia

mbrodesser-Igalia commented 1 month ago

@ziransun see https://w3c.github.io/trusted-types/dist/spec/#abstract-opdef-should-trusted-type-policy-creation-be-blocked-by-content-security-policy. It states:

"If directive’s value only contains a tt-keyword which is a match for a value 'none', set createViolation to true.".

Here, the value contains only that keyword (multiple times).

lukewarlow commented 1 month ago

Have you tested Chromiums or safari tech preview's behaviour here?

The spec is ambiguous imo. It says the value only contains a keyword 'none'. Well two duplicate keywords aren't 'a keyword'. I think it depends on if there's any handling for discarding duplicates inside of CSP parsing?


I think it should behave the same as just 1 existing but the spec should be clarified too in that case.

ziransun commented 1 month ago

Yes, I have tried with Chromiums and safari. Apart from having the same result as one "none", it has complains like - The value of the Content Security Policy directive 'trusted_types' contains an invalid policy: 'none'. It will be ignored. Note that 'none' has no effect unless it is the only expression in the directive value.

mbrodesser-Igalia commented 1 month ago

I think it should behave the same as just 1 existing but the spec should be clarified too in that case.


lukewarlow commented 1 month ago

So after some more thinking I want to clarify the above comment.

trusted-types 'none'; and trusted-types 'none' 'none'; should and DO behave the same both in the spec and in implementation, no policies are allowed. This is because they're both equivalent to trusted-types;

The first triggers step 2.4 and the second will fall through to step 2.6 both creating a violation.

trusted-types 'none' foobar; and trusted-types 'none' 'none' foobar; also both behave the same (policy name foobar is allowed).

Neither of these would trigger step 2.4 or 2.6 and so no violation would be created.

I actually don't think the spec is ambiguous here.

lukewarlow commented 2 weeks ago

There are now tests for this

mbrodesser-Igalia commented 1 week ago

(It's helpful to link the PR for the test to the issue, in case it gets reverted or so.)

ziransun commented 1 week ago
