w3c / trusted-types

A browser API to prevent DOM-Based Cross Site Scripting in modern web applications.
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Replace EnsureCSPDoesNotBlockStringCompilation section with link to upstream PR #514

Closed lukewarlow closed 1 month ago

lukewarlow commented 1 month ago

Also remove violation object changes as they're included in that PR

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koto commented 1 month ago

Do you want to hold on merging of this? For now the PR is in a draft status -- perhaps it makes sense to reference it, but not remove the algorithm here until the merge happens?

lukewarlow commented 1 month ago

So for the DOM section we just point to the PRs and don't have the changes in this spec too. I was going to do the same for this. If you think it's best to wait (the reason it's draft is an underlying PR needs merging first) then that's fine. :)