w3c / ttml-webvtt-mapping

TTML to WebVTT mapping
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definition of region in example 42 is probably not correct #24

Open pthopesch opened 8 years ago

pthopesch commented 8 years ago

In example 42 the region is defined as follows: Region: id=regionExample1 width=50% lines=3 regionanchor=0%,0% viewportanchor=0%,0% scroll=up

The correct definition sould be: REGION id:regionExample1 width.50% lines:3 regionanchor:0%,0% viewportanchor:0%,0% scroll:up

--> https://w3c.github.io/webvtt/#webvtt-region-definition-block --> https://w3c.github.io/webvtt/#region-settings

andreastai commented 8 years ago

Yes, the mapping does not match the latest draft of the WebVTT spec. The explanation is that the mapping document was based on a previous version of WebVTT where the notation with "=" was correct.

As it is not clear if the new substantial edit is already implemented somewhere and also if it will make in the final spec version I propose to leave it that way for now but come back to it once the WebVTT spec is stable.