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Timed Text Markup Language 1 (TTML1)
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TTML1 3ED tests #361

Closed palemieux closed 6 years ago

palemieux commented 6 years ago

Provides tests for all testable changes from TTML1 2ED to TTML1 3ED, as follows:



FontSizeEmInherited.ttml TwoValueRelativeFontSize.ttml FontSizeEmRegion.ttml





AnonymousSpanImplicitDuration.ttml PlainSpanImplicitDuration.ttml SetImplicitDuration.ttml




not testable









css-meeting-bot commented 6 years ago

The Working Group just discussed TTML1 3ED tests ttml1#361, and agreed to the following:

The full IRC log of that discussion <nigel> Topic: TTML1 3ED tests ttml1#361
<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/pull/361/files
<nigel> Pierre: I just pushed it a couple of hours ago so I don't expect anyone to have had a
<nigel> .. thorough look. I've gone through all the substantive tests since 2ed and created tests
<nigel> .. for everything that can be tested and highlighted what I think cannot be tested.
<nigel> .. The tests are inspired by the IMSC tests so they will seem familiar.
<nigel> .. I'd like a review especially on the things marked as non-testable.
<nigel> .. From a practical perspective, if Glenn could try to render or check them using TTPE and
<nigel> .. TTX that would be great. Last time we spoke the plan was for TTPE and IMSC.js to be the
<nigel> .. two implementations for the TTML1 3ed tests.
<nigel> Cyril: How many of these tests are relevant for IMSC 1.1?
<nigel> Pierre: First, there may be zero IMSC 1.1 tests because everything in IMSC 1.1 is already
<nigel> .. in TTML2 or IMSC 1.0.1, so there will be no additional tests needed to meet the IMSC 1.1
<nigel> .. exit criteria.
<nigel> Cyril: I understand that, but how many of the tests for TTML1 3ed are relevant for IMSC 1.1
<nigel> .. features?
<nigel> Pierre: All but one are covered by IMSC 1.1. But I think the purpose of those tests if I recall
<nigel> .. correctly was specifically to convince the Director that the substantive changes were in
<nigel> .. fact implemented.
<nigel> Nigel: That's right.
<nigel> Pierre: I created those tests specifically to demonstrate that. All but one are already
<nigel> .. exercised by IMSC1 tests and TTML1 tests in fact.
<nigel> Cyril: Which is the exception?
<nigel> Pierre: Anamorphic fonts. There's one test that is triggered by anamorphic fonts.
<nigel> Cyril: 2 value relative font size?
<nigel> Pierre: Exactly. That one is not part of IMSC1 or 1.1 and I'm not even sure it was part of
<nigel> .. TTML1 test suite either.
<nigel> Cyril: Ok, thank you.
<nigel> Glenn: Q: what did we change in the spec that that particular test is used to demonstrate?
<nigel> Pierre: If you recall, we added a bunch of text that discussed inheritance.
<nigel> .. Example, p fontSize = "1c", then child span fontSize="1em". The font size is calculated
<nigel> .. to be 1c, that's boring.
<nigel> .. There are two examples in the TTML1 text that describe this.
<nigel> -> https://www.w3.org/TR/ttml1/#style-attribute-fontSize fontSize in TTML1
<nigel> Nigel: The examples are in Notes?
<nigel> Pierre: Yes
<nigel> .. The 3rd and 4th note in that section.
<nigel> .. "1em 1em" can result in an anamorphic font size.
<nigel> .. The relative font size is relative to the computed parent font size which can be anamorphic.
<nigel> Glenn: What normative text changed that drove adding that test?
<nigel> Pierre: The entire text of that section was heavily changed.
<nigel> Glenn: I'm just wondering if we went too far in creating that test or if the original test
<nigel> .. suite was under-represented.
<nigel> Pierre: The 5th paragraph, "When a single relative <length> value is specified, ..."
<nigel> .. If that is in TTML1 2nd Ed then I agree there's no need for tests, but I'm thinking it was not.
<nigel> Glenn: I'll check.
<nigel> Pierre: The two that can't be tested or don't need to be tested are:
<nigel> .. 1. 'should' regarding the tts:lineHeight.
<nigel> .. 2. application defaults for frame rate and sub-frame rate.
<nigel> .. I don't think that's testable.
<nigel> Nigel: Presumably we could include the application settings to apply for testing frame rate
<nigel> .. and sub-frame rate, for example in text outside the TTML document instance, then the
<nigel> .. same instance would have a different evaluation in some way?
<nigel> Pierre: Sure, but that in itself, the decision to apply an application default, has no requirement
<nigel> .. so I don't think it's testable.
<nigel> Nigel: In other words we have merely made explicit the already existing option for an
<nigel> .. implementation to do its own thing?
<nigel> Pierre: Yes, that's right.
<nigel> Nigel: That seems like a reasonable argument to me. What about lineHeight.
<nigel> .. Why not be able to test that?
<nigel> Pierre: It's a should.
<nigel> Nigel: But the semantic is still testable.
<nigel> Pierre: Yes but applications can be conformant without doing it.
<nigel> Nigel: Yes but we can still test the semantic.
<nigel> Pierre: The syntax is unchanged, and it's a should.
<nigel> Nigel: Yes but the test needs to demonstrate implementability, so there needs I think to be
<nigel> .. some test that shows the should behaviour can be implemented.
<nigel> Glenn: If normal already appears in any of the TTML1 tests then we don't need a new test
<nigel> .. for this.
<nigel> Nigel: Why not?
<nigel> Glenn: If normal is already there then that test for how normal is used, with no normative
<nigel> .. or exemplar images...
<nigel> Pierre: I don't understand - say tts:lineHeight="normal" and an implementation returns to
<nigel> .. you something with a line height that is double the font size, what do you conclude?
<nigel> Nigel: Depending on the algorithm in the spec and the font resources, on balance most
<nigel> .. likely that implementation is not demonstrating that the spec can be implemented.
<nigel> Pierre: It's only a recommendation.
<nigel> Nigel: If the spec said "should go back in time by 10 minutes" then the Director would want
<nigel> .. a test to show that, but of course no time machine exists, so I think that text would
<nigel> .. lead to trouble.
<nigel> Pierre: Good news, there already is a test for lineHeight="normal".
<nigel> Glenn: As I said.
<nigel> Pierre: I wanted to agree the scope first.
<nigel> Glenn: I wonder if it would be consistent if we add an exemplar to a small subset of TTML1
<nigel> .. tests.
<nigel> Nigel: I don't think we need to worry about that.
<nigel> Pierre: My proposal was just to check in the test files without exemplars, but file the outputs
<nigel> .. generated from our implementations under the implementation report.
<nigel> Glenn: Ok. When is the last date for this?
<nigel> Nigel: Thanks to Thierry,
<nigel> -> https://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/specs-timeline.html Timeline
<nigel> Nigel: Shows that implementation report needs to be finalised by 24th September.
<nigel> Pierre: Can we give ourselves until August 30th to review those tests and make changes,
<nigel> .. then freeze them then create the implementation report, and then start submitting results.
<nigel> .. Just a suggestion.
<nigel> Glenn: TTPE implements normal as described as well as anamorphic fonts so I think we're
<nigel> .. good there but I'd need to run the tests to verify that. I don't think there's any problem
<nigel> .. in using TTPE as one of the implementations to verify those.
<nigel> Nigel: I like Pierre's suggested plan, any issues with that?
<nigel> group: [silence]
<nigel> Nigel: Okay, then agenda+ for 30th August to confirm the TTML1 3ed test suite so we can
<nigel> .. begin to create the implementation report.
<glenn> +q
<nigel> Nigel: [discusses tests, with comments on the pull request]
<nigel> ack g
<nigel> glenn: I just double checked the anamorphic font text, and it turns out that it is basically
<nigel> .. present in 2nd Ed in the 4th note in §8.2.9, in the last sentence. So this is basically a
<nigel> .. paragraph of text in a note already, now made normative whereas it was more an
<nigel> .. explanation of an implication in 2nd Ed.
<nigel> Pierre: So do we need the tests still?
<nigel> Glenn: In my opinion the semantic was already there and we're not demonstrating a new
<nigel> .. semantic.
<nigel> Pierre: I'm not excited by it.
<nigel> Glenn: I'd be willing to have no test and point to the 2nd Ed text for that.
<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/pull/361
<nigel> Nigel: I think the Director was asking for tests to demonstrate the substantive changes,
<nigel> .. and this counts as one because normative text clarifies what may have been ambiguous
<nigel> .. before.
<nigel> .. We need to look more carefully at this to see if an existing TTML1 test for two value fontSize
<nigel> .. can be reused or already demonstrates this.
<nigel> Glenn: I added a comment under this pull request.
<nigel> Nigel: This needs further investigation - I see that the diff tool isn't helping us.
<nigel> Nigel: in the direction test, shouldn't the direction on the first p be direction="ltr"?
<nigel> Pierre: That is a subtle point that 3ed clarifies - without bidiOverride the "natural" direction
<nigel> .. of the script is not overridden.
<nigel> Glenn: Where that comes into effect is resolving the directionality of weakly directional
<nigel> .. or neutral directional characters at the boundaries of the paragraph, like the period that
<nigel> .. ends the paragraph is neutral directionality. If the paragraph embedding level is ltr then
<nigel> .. a period at the end of a hebrew or arabic sentence takes on the direction of the previous
<nigel> .. character, but there are scenarios where it doesn't work. On this point, previously in
<nigel> .. 2ed and prior we didn't call out this semantic but probably many implementations
<nigel> .. implemented it as we have now clarified. Since we did not say either way, some
<nigel> .. implementations may have read between the lines and applied it to p which would not
<nigel> .. have been non-conformant since we had no test suite examplars to follow. It could have
<nigel> .. fallen through the cracks.
<tmichel> FYI you may use the following diff tool
<tmichel> http://www.aptest.com/standards/htmldiff/htmldiff.pl?oldfile=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2F2013%2FREC-ttml1-20130924%2F&newfile=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2F2018%2FCR-ttml1-20180424%2F
<cyril> q+
<nigel> Glenn: The XSL spec says to apply it this.
<nigel> ack c
<nigel> Cyril: 2 comments about the test suite.
<nigel> .. Some tests have a copyright.
<nigel> Pierre: Yes, I thought I'd removed them and didn't. Please add a comment.
<nigel> Cyril: Secondly, in the pull request you've done the work to link the issues to the tests,
<nigel> .. but there's no link backwards. I wonder if we should put metadata in the tests to point
<nigel> .. to the issues or the spec sections that it is trying to test.
<nigel> Pierre: Yes that'd be awesome.
<nigel> Nigel: Is that information available?
<nigel> Pierre: Yes it's in the pull request. Most of the tests have a metadata section so it's a matter
<nigel> .. of copying and pasting the pull request info into the metadata header. If someone wants
<nigel> .. to spend 45 minutes doing it that'd be awesome.
<nigel> Cyril: Going a bit further, referencing the spec itself?
<nigel> .. I suppose the issue goes to the pull request goes to the section of the text.
<nigel> Pierre: Exactly. Copying the bullet point is all we need to do.
<nigel> Nigel: Any other points on this test suite?
<nigel> SUMMARY: Test suite to be finalised August 30th, review to continue until then.
<nigel> Glenn: I would note that August 30th is prior to when it is actually needed so we have
<nigel> .. some room to slip that if necessary.
<nigel> Nigel: Yes but there has to be time for the implementations to respond to the tests.
<nigel> Glenn: Yes
<nigel> Pierre: The goal is to freeze the tests so implementers can work on them.
<nigel> Glenn: It's a good goal, just not an absolute hard deadline.
<nigel> Nigel: It's a target, and as Cyril mentioned there is other work to do at the same time.
<nigel> .. If we can freeze the tests on 30th then that gives 3 weeks for implementations, which
<nigel> .. seems reasonable.
<nigel> Pierre: If you can run the validator that would be good, Glenn.
<nigel> Glenn: Sure I can do that, and check what TTPE does as well.
css-meeting-bot commented 6 years ago

The Timed Text Working Group just discussed TTML1 3ED tests ttml1#361, and agreed to the following:

The full IRC log of that discussion <nigel> Topic: TTML1 3ED tests ttml1#361
<nigel> github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/pull/361
<nigel> Nigel: This was opened 29 days ago, and it took a while to review. Looking at the review
<nigel> .. status, one person has requested changes, and that was me!
<nigel> .. Most of the changes I requested are minor.
<nigel> Pierre: Are they all necessary?
<nigel> Nigel: We need to check we have a shared understanding of the intent of the zIndex text.
<nigel> Nigel: I don't think the missing EOLs on the ends of the files are a big deal.
<nigel> .. The use of single quotes around an attribute is not a big deal.
<nigel> Pierre: I think that must have come from the original TTML1 test.
<nigel> Glenn: If a font family name consists of more than one token then you need to quote it
<nigel> .. so you might see both sets of quote characters in that attribute, the outer one for the
<nigel> .. attribute itself and the inner one for the family name with multiple tokens.
<nigel> .. In this case there are no multiple token family names.
<nigel> Nigel: Conversely there's no requirement to change it.
<nigel> Glenn: That's right, ok.
<nigel> Pierre: Can you propose a pull request for the BrImplicitDuration.ttml test?
<nigel> Nigel: It's just, as discussed, to change the backgroundColor of one of the paragraphs.
<nigel> Pierre: You wanted to change the text too?
<nigel> Nigel: Oh, that's another solution, I think the background color change is a more elegant
<nigel> .. solution to the same issue, and we don't need to do both things.
<nigel> Pierre: On Direction.ttml...
<nigel> Nigel: We discussed this on 9th August, my proposal is just an XML comment that
<nigel> .. explains that the test intentionally sets direction="rtl" and that the text "Left to right"
<nigel> .. appears correctly that way because tts:direction only sets weak directionality.
<nigel> Pierre: Can you propose the comment text?
<nigel> Nigel: Sure.
<nigel> Pierre: The next one is about the hebrew text.
<nigel> Nigel: I just added that comment as a note for posterity.
<nigel> Pierre: I have proposed some alternate text that says "Right to left" which is how the Hebrew
<nigel> .. text should appear.
<nigel> Nigel: Okay I'll check it out with an Israeli colleague.
<nigel> s/appear/appear (taken from Google translate).
<nigel> Nigel: In PlainSpanImplicitDuration.ttml I suggested a small wording change. Would that
<nigel> .. be an issue to make that change?
<nigel> Pierre: That's good, I'll make that change.
<nigel> Nigel: ZIndex.ttml is the next one.
<nigel> Pierre: The issue is only about the stacking relative to the root container so it does not
<nigel> .. matter if the regions do not overlap.
<nigel> Nigel: I don't really understand this test - what is it showing?
<nigel> Pierre: "Does a region with tts:zIndex < 0 appear underneath the root container?"
<nigel> Nigel: What does that even mean?
<nigel> Pierre: I don't know, what does it mean if a region has a negative zIndex?
<nigel> Glenn: The definition of zero is in CSS, a reference frame (don't have it here). Negative
<nigel> .. indices are permitted in CSS. I don't remember what that meant.
<nigel> Pierre: The spec modification is about the root container region establishing the root of
<nigel> .. the stacking context. The previous spec said "auto" was defined by XSL 1.1 but did not
<nigel> .. state that the semantics for values other than auto were also defined by XSL and it did
<nigel> .. not say that the tt element established a root stacking context for scenarios other than
<nigel> .. zIndex being "auto". The new text says the tt element always establishes a root stacking
<nigel> .. context.
<nigel> Glenn: By the way if you go back to CSS 2.1 it says that for integer types it always establishes
<nigel> .. a new stacking context and for auto it does not unless it is a root element, so we needed
<nigel> .. to say what the root element was. It was only adding useful information in the case of auto.
<glenn> https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-CSS2-20110607/visuren.html#propdef-z-index
<nigel> Pierre: We've had this discussion, the issue is the previous text did not state what was the
<nigel> .. root context.
<nigel> Nigel: What does the text show?
<nigel> Pierre: It makes sure that all those values yield to a region that is displayed.
<nigel> Nigel: Right, so the relative zIndex is not important, it is just that they should all appear?
<nigel> Pierre: Yes, that is how it is constructed.
<nigel> Nigel: Thank you, I will propose text in the metadata that states that, so people coming
<nigel> .. to this in the future can understand what we were demonstrating.
<nigel> .. Is that ok?
<nigel> Pierre: Yes, absolutely.
<nigel> .. The "left to right" data could be in the metadata too.
<nigel> Nigel: Yes, I was thinking the same thing.
<nigel> SUMMARY: Changes to be made over the next 24 hours.
<nigel> Pierre: In terms of implementation, TTPE renders them all.
<nigel> Glenn: I didn't check TTPE does too, but will do that ASAP.
<nigel> Pierre: TTV already validates all of them, so the one that would be ideal would be to check
<nigel> .. that TTPE does too, especially for two value font sizes.
<nigel> Nigel: Ideally, since the changes don't affect validation, we should have two presentation
<nigel> .. implementations for each change.
<nigel> Pierre: We don't have a second implementation for two value fonts.
<nigel> Glenn: In Geneva I was able to run the old DFXP Viewer which supported anamorphic fonts.
<nigel> .. We signed off on that for the initial IR for first edition.
<nigel> Nigel: If that shows the behaviour we want, it would be good enough.
<nigel> Glenn: Why are we testing this?
<nigel> Pierre: We made a substantive change in a way that we expect matches implementations.
<nigel> .. I believe it should work with old implementations.
<nigel> Glenn: Ok
<nigel> .. By the way that was a different organisation than Skynav at that time.
<nigel> .. It was Extensible Formatting Systems Inc, XFI, which has now closed its business.
<nigel> .. Skynav inherited the source code for it. The team that implemented it is no longer with
<nigel> .. Skynav, although I was one of the implementers.
<nigel> Pierre: When can we determine if we have a real problem here?
<nigel> Nigel: I'd like to check there is no validation change.
<nigel> Pierre: There is no validation change.
<nigel> Glenn: This begs the question why we have the test here.
<nigel> Pierre: We discussed this, the change is to clarify the intent.
<nigel> Nigel: The Director asked for tests on the substantive changes.
<nigel> .. I wonder if the Flash player implements anamorphic fonts.
<nigel> Glenn: You could ask Andrew Kirkpatrick.
<nigel> Nigel: OK I'll send him a message.
<nigel> Pierre: If there's no independent implementation of a presentation engine with
<nigel> .. anamorphic fonts, what happens?
<nigel> Nigel: We only need to show that existing implementations already exhibit the clarified
<nigel> .. behaviour, that's why I've been asking about other implementations.
<nigel> Pierre: I'll see if I can drive DFXP Viewer to work with this test.
nigelmegitt commented 6 years ago

@palemieux please check you are happy with the changes made in b1753b0 as per the TTWG meeting yesterday.

palemieux commented 6 years ago

@skynavga Are you arguing at https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/pull/361#pullrequestreview-144873178 that testsuite/Third Edition/TwoValueRelativeFontSize.ttml is not needed?

nigelmegitt commented 6 years ago

Reviewing https://github.com/w3c/ttml1/pull/361#pullrequestreview-144873178 and comparing 2e with 3e, the substantive change is essentially a movement of text from an informative note to a normative section. Have we got any evidence that the clarified behaviour is what was already implemented? I believe that is what the Director is seeking.

The alternative would be that some implementation supports 2 value font sizes but uses a different basis for calculating the font size dimensions, for example always using the height of the cell as the basis even for the horizontal component.

nigelmegitt commented 6 years ago

Travis build stalled on this, I've restarted it.

nigelmegitt commented 6 years ago

Build succeeded.

palemieux commented 6 years ago

Have we got any evidence that the clarified behaviour is what was already implemented?

@skynavga Can you confirm that 3ED captures current TTPE behavior?