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TTWG Meeting 2022-08-18 #224

Closed nigelmegitt closed 2 years ago

nigelmegitt commented 2 years ago


1. This meeting 2. TPAC update and planning 2.1 Our TPAC agenda, plus joint meetings 2.2 Breakout sessions 3. DAPT 4. Rechartering status update 5. AOB – please notify of any other AOB now!

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 (1 hours) UTC

Please be ready for a prompt start at 15:03am UTC time.

Our teleconference is scheduled with reference to UTC Time, the correct time of this teleconference in your locale may change.

Check https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20220818T15&p1=1440

W3C Calendar link: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6fb5cdb3-70a3-463a-b33e-6296dc64814a/20220818T150000

Joining details:

see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2021May/0001.html (members-only link – if you can't see this and wish to join please contact me)

Future meetings and recent activity:

See the TTWG project board for upcoming meetings.

See individual agenda items for recent activity on specific products.

See the TTWG home page for links to repositories and recent activity.

Agenda+ This meeting

Assign Roles

Chair: Gary, Nigel



Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2022/07/21-tt-minutes.html

Prioritise discussion for this meeting and look ahead

Check-point for order of topics and any other business.

TPAC update

Our TPAC agenda, plus joint meetings

We have time scheduled Thursday and Friday morning, including joint meeting time with the MEIG and the Media WG.

Thursday 15th: 8:00-10:00 MEIG meeting with joint meeting 09:15-10:00 joint meeting 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-12:30 TTWG meeting

Friday 16th: 8:00-13:30 TTWG & Media WG joint meeting

Proposed topics for discussion:

TTWG and Media WG

Breakout sessions

See https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2022/SessionIdeas


DAPT 1st ED version Pull Request merged.

Issue review

Which issues can we discuss? Which should we aim to discuss at TPAC?

Rechartering status update

Charter extended a 3rd time until 2022-12-31

Proposed draft charter: https://w3c.github.io/charter-timed-text/

AC Review has completed - see summary email from Nigel at https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-tt/2022Mar/0000.html

Apple's FO was escalated to the Director by W3T and is now in the Formal Objection Council experiment pipeline. This was on the basis that Apple does not expect to provide any alternative proposals as discussed previously.

Agenda+ AOB

nigelmegitt commented 2 years ago

Minutes at https://www.w3.org/2022/08/18-tt-minutes.html