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jpan ja webpage inline-notes #85

Open xfq opened 4 years ago

xfq commented 4 years ago


tag: inline-notes Ruby annotation using ideographic characters. source: 国語の文法

xfq commented 4 years ago

This seems more like interlinear annotations (rather than inline notes) to me, because it is not text inserted in the line itself (like warichu), but text attached to a certain word or phrase and aligned to the corresponding base text which it annotates.

xfq commented 4 years ago

Perhaps interlinear annotations can be also seen as a kind of inline notes?

r12a commented 4 years ago

Yes. Remember that the tags used here relate to the Language Enablement Index sections. If you look at https://w3c.github.io/typography/#inline_notes (which you should) you'll see that the section title is Inline notes & annotations. So that covers ruby and warichu (but doesn't cover sidenotes, footnotes, endnotes, etc - which are addressed further down).

himorin commented 4 years ago

Not on labels and categorize, but for use cases, recently there are many non-Ruby use cases using Ruby like sample above - to label some part of text using Ruby text as label. Also,