w3c / uievents

UI Events
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Different mousedown behavior between Firefox and Chrome/Safari #201

Open nuragic opened 6 years ago

nuragic commented 6 years ago


After reading this issue and realizing that Chrome and Firefox handle the change event in different ways, I cannot find an answer to this one... I made a simple pen to illustrate the example (no React, just plain HTML): https://codepen.io/nuragic/pen/xWMaGN?editors=1011

Steps to reproduce

Just click on the select and pick any value.


Chrome / Safari:





The spec https://w3c.github.io/uievents/#event-type-mousedown says:

A user agent MUST dispatch this event when a pointing device button is pressed over an element.

Could anyone clarify which one is correct (or if both are ok)?


nuragic commented 5 years ago

Hello... just wanted to ping spec editors in the hope they could clarify 🙏 Thanks!

@garykac @travisleithead