w3c / uievents

UI Events
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Propose the new navbeforefocus UIEvent #245

Closed lgewst closed 4 years ago

lgewst commented 4 years ago

CSS Spatial Navigation specification has been developed in CSS WG. One of the proposed APIs is NavigationEvent as a new interface with two event types(navbeforefocus, navnotarget). https://drafts.csswg.org/css-nav-1/#events-navigationevent

Under reviews on how to implement them, I just wondered why focusin/focusout hadn't been defined as a cancellable. I found a related discussion on it at https://github.com/w3c/uievents/issues/88, but I couldn't see the reason at the thread.

Could someone explain the background or reason? Any question or concern on the proposed navbeforefocus event is welcomed as well. @dtapuska, @smaug----, @markelog

lgewst commented 4 years ago

need to change the account, sorry.

smaug---- commented 4 years ago

focusin/focusout behave the way they behave just because how they got implemented at some point in one browser engine and then others had to follow that.