w3c / vc-data-model

W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group — VC Data Model and Representations specification
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consider merging 3.4 and 5.1 as both sections are about the credential lifecycle. #1465

Closed brentzundel closed 2 months ago

brentzundel commented 3 months ago

Both sections 3.4 and 5.1 are details of the credential lifecycle. I propose merging content from 3.4 into 5.1 so that the spec only has one lifecycle section, also removing the concrete example and instead pointing to the Use Cases note.

iherman commented 2 months ago

The issue was discussed in a meeting on 2024-04-10

View the transcript #### 2.5. consider merging 3.4 and 5.1 as both sections are about the credential lifecycle. (issue vc-data-model#1465) _See github issue [vc-data-model#1465](https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1465)._ **Manu Sporny:** in the respec vc library, would allow you to choose on an example-by-example basis which securing mechanisms you'd want to show. **Brent Zundel:** thanks. … I raised this. I was reading through spec, and noted that two different sections both talk about the credential lifecycle. … so the split is not great. … let's merge them into one section. take 3.4, put it inside of 5.1. … also remove the concrete example, say - "we have use cases, they're over there", like we've done in the path. … would love to hear feedback. **Manu Sporny:** strong +1 to that. I'm wondering if we should go a step further, and merge that section into the Use Cases document. **Brent Zundel:** proposal on the table is, in as minimal fashion as possible, merge those two sections, and reference the Use Cases doc, like Joe said. > *Manu Sporny:* +1. **Joe Andrieu:** sounds right. **Brent Zundel:** ok, I'll do that. … Joe, does the Use Cases doc have this lifecycle stuff? **Joe Andrieu:** I think it's there, but we'll check.