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Data Integrity specification for ECDSA using NIST-compliant curves
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Add ecdsa-sd-2023 cryptosuite to ECDSA Cryptosuites specification #20

Closed msporny closed 11 months ago

msporny commented 11 months ago

This PR adds the ecdsa-sd-2023 cryptosuite to the ECDSA Cryptosuites specification. This cryptographic suite was introduced to the W3C CCG and VCWG here:


A presentation providing a background on the cryptosuite is available here:


A complete open source implementation, with complete API documentation, exists here (with more implementations on the way):


This PR is raised as a result of stated support by W3C Members in this group, three global standards organizations (two of whom are members of the VCWG), and a number of implementers: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2023Jul/0015.html

The cryptosuite is marked as "at risk" and may be removed from the specification if there are not enough implementations demonstrated during the Candidate Recommendation phase or if there is consensus to remove it from the specification for technical reasons before the Recommendation phase.

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msporny commented 11 months ago

@Wind4Greg wrote:

I would be happy to contribute text as this moves forward.

Yes, please. Your analysis is spot on and I agree that we'll need to refactor the way this is presented to be more readable (and the way you suggest makes sense to me). This stuff was originally authored to build up from the basic functions to the final/complete ones... but yes, going top-down instead of bottom-up might be easier.

Your summary of how it works is also good, we should highlight that. I struggled with where to put that information because it's fairly general to just about any suite that takes this approach (BBS being the other one that could benefit from the low level functions). Yes, it would be good to point out that this is a fairly boring / straightforward approach vs. a Merkle-based approach (which we should also support in time as it has a different set of advantages).

skolemize is a term of art in the RDF community (not that that is an excuse, we should pick more accessible terminology if possible):

In any case, thanks for the review and for volunteering to make it better. We'll need that help to make the algorithm more accessible.

Wind4Greg commented 11 months ago

Went through the functionality again trying to extract the key mechanisms with a bit of a cryptographic/security bias. This could lead to informative overview text that would also help in cryptographic review. The first four groupings of mechanisms could also apply to BBS.

  1. Mechanisms for specifying statements to be disclosed. For the issuer this is optionally the setting of "mandatory disclosed" statements. For the holder this is the mechanism for selecting which statements to reveal to the verifier (besides those that are "mandatory" to disclose). This is based on the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer RFC6901, "JSON Pointer defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) document."
  2. Mechanisms for breaking up a JSON-LD document into lists of statements that can be disclosed or must be disclosed. This is based on the RDF canonicalization of a JSON-LD document. Graph language is used to describe the result of this process with each statement making an assertion about a node. Such nodes are either given ids as part of the JSON-LD document or assigned "blank node ids". Such node ids prevent taking "properties" from one node and using them in another, i.e., given a JSON list representing items in a store each with a corresponding price making sure that the prices cannot be switched between items.
  3. Mechanism to avoid data leakage from "blank node ids". The blank node ids described above are generated in an ordered fashion according to the RDF algorithm (right?). This can inadvertently reveal information about statements that the holder may not choose to disclose. To prevent this an HMAC is used to convert pseudo-randomize the id values and hence obscure their original order. The HMAC key should be unique per signature and is included as part of the base signature, i.e., is not kept private from the holder, but is not revealed to the verifier (not included with the derived proof).
  4. Mechanisms to group above statements, i.e., into those that are mandatory or selectively disclosed. Here JSON-LD framing procedures are combined with the issuer or holder JSON Pointer information (arrays of JSON pointer values).
  5. Mechanisms for signatures for optionally disclosed statements. To prevent the holder from combining optionally disclosed statements across separate issuer generated signatures, optionally disclosed statements are individually signed with an ephemeral key pair that exists just for the generating this "base proof". Hence two key pairs are involved. The issuers (long term) key pair and the per signature ephemeral key pair.
  6. Mechanisms for protecting/signing additional information. Using the issuers (long term) key pair information such as the HMAC key, ephemeral public key, mandatory disclosed statements, mandatory disclosure pointers, configuratino options, etc... are protected. Note some of this information is concatenated and hashed.
  7. Mechanisms for serialization and deserialization of information needed for derived proofs and verification.
dlongley commented 11 months ago

The HMAC key should be unique per signature and is included as part of the signature, i.e., is not kept private.

Note: It is not kept private from the holder, but it is kept private from the verifier, such that the verifier could not use it to brute-force attempt to reproduce the original order (with this being feasible when the possible elided (not disclosed) values is a small enough set).

Wind4Greg commented 11 months ago

Thanks Dave. I missed that important item!

msporny commented 11 months ago

Normative, multiple reviews, changes requested and made, no objections, merging.