w3c / vc-di-ecdsa

Data Integrity specification for ECDSA using NIST-compliant curves
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Selective Disclosure Test Vectors #38

Closed Wind4Greg closed 9 months ago

Wind4Greg commented 9 months ago

This non-normative PR provides an initial set of selective disclosure test vectors along with commentary on the procedures used to generate them. These vectors demonstrate the following key features of ECDSA-SD:

  1. Mandatory Disclosure
  2. Selective Disclosure combined with mandatory disclosure
  3. Overlap between mandatory disclosure and selective disclosure within an object
  4. Selective/Mandatory disclosure of multiple elements in an array

Note that there are different procedures (sets of test vectors) for the issuer (creating a base proof) and the holder (creating a derived proof). Some of the procedures/descriptions are in different orders or presented in different way than the algorithms in the specification for clarity purposes.

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Wind4Greg commented 9 months ago

Note that the code used to generate the test vectors can be found at: https://github.com/Wind4Greg/ECDSA-SD-TestVectors

Wind4Greg commented 9 months ago

Note: Preview doesn't properly pull in separate test vector files into HTML document.

msporny commented 9 months ago

Editorial, multiple reviews, changes requested and made, no objections, merging.