w3c / vc-di-ecdsa

Data Integrity specification for ECDSA using NIST-compliant curves
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Ensure additional custom proof options provided via `proof` are included in the proof configuration #48

Closed dlongley closed 3 months ago

dlongley commented 5 months ago

When creating a proof, other custom proof fields might be given, but it looks like the proof configuration algorithm will not include these -- and it should.

Wind4Greg commented 5 months ago

Hi @dlongley in section Proof Configuration of the spec couldn't we change the first step: "Let proofConfig be an empty object." to "Let proofConfig be a clone of the proof options object."

Then we would remove detailed attribute assignments but keep all the checks. I also would put in a note prior to the algorithm that other proof options are passed through. (This is where it currently states which proof options are required).

Let me know and I'll write up the PR. Note that we would also need similar changes to VC-DI-EDDSA and VC-DI-BBS.

dlongley commented 5 months ago

Yeah, we probably want it to be a clone as you say -- and then run the specific checks.

dlongley commented 3 months ago

This was my issue and it has been addressed, closing.