w3c / vc-di-ecdsa

Data Integrity specification for ECDSA using NIST-compliant curves
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Update contexts in examples #53

Closed dlongley closed 3 months ago

dlongley commented 5 months ago

The examples need to have their contexts checked to ensure they are up to date. At least one of them is incorrect:

Example 2: https://w3c.github.io/vc-di-ecdsa/#example-two-public-keys-p-256-and-p-384-encoded-as-multikeys-in-a-controller-document Should not be using context "https://w3id.org/security/data-integrity/v1" but instead: "https://w3id.org/security/multikey/v1".

Wind4Greg commented 5 months ago

Hmm, @dlongley do we know where these examples came from? I've wrote the open source code for the test vectors but not for any of the examples. I could regenerate these, but if someone has the original generation code that would be quicker.

dlongley commented 5 months ago

I don't know where they came from, but at least for the public key examples, they shouldn't need anything regenerated, just the context adjusted.

dlongley commented 3 months ago

This was my issue, it was editorial, and it has been addressed, closing.