Under its charter, expiring in January 2025, the Working Group
should finalize all its specifications, thereby completing its work.
Maybe just delete that sentence?
I agree this was confusing. I rewrote the sentence.
At the time of writing this charter, these terms are: the refreshService,
evidence, confidenceMethod, renderMethod, and termsOfUse properties; and
related classes like RefreshService and ConfidenceMethod.
At present, the reserved extension points are just confidenceMethod and
renderMethod. The rest (refreshService, evidence, and termsOfUse) graduated
from "reserved" to "fully specified with demonstrated usage and real world
Indeed. The original text for the charter proposal became overrun by events. Changed in this PR
See comments (Member visible link).
I agree this was confusing. I rewrote the sentence.
Indeed. The original text for the charter proposal became overrun by events. Changed in this PR
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