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W3C Website feedback and bug reports
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Unclear max length of an ecosystem testimonial and other feedback #467

Open vivienlacourba opened 11 months ago

vivienlacourba commented 11 months ago

The tooltip indicates "Shorter version of the quote that can be used in a testimonial carousel. (In that context, quote have a character limit of 180 to comfortably fit in a small screen)."

But trying to save an existing testimonial with a longer text yields a error should 2 different max length validation messages (or for 180 chars max the other for 720 chars max).

Looking at the W3C specification document neither of these limits seem define. Discussing with @koalie 180 chars definitely seems too short, and @jean-gui's test shows that 720 might already be too much for the current carousel. So a max length of 500 chars would seem better suited.

Some other issues:

vivienlacourba commented 11 months ago

Setting it as low priority for now as @koalie is still reviewing ecosystem pages with our Strategy team.