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How many checks? #140

Closed iadawn closed 1 year ago

iadawn commented 1 year ago

How many checks is too many?

Some other ideas around this...

One options is to group checks on the resource homepage. This would allow for more to be included without it seeming too overwhelming.

Grouping could be by theme or by difficulty.

shawna-slh commented 1 year ago

+100 for grouping them.


  1. ~7 main checks
  2. Additional really easy checks (expandable or separate page)
  3. More difficult checks (expandable or separate page)

And maybe grouping by theme within there?

And probably grouping and/or clear indication of:

... not sure how that relates to the grouping above, though :-)

Some specifics in "shawn" column of Easy Checks - Prioritization (google sheet)

iadawn commented 1 year ago

Just to flag a comment I made in the EO meeting on 9th June; having a small number isn't necessarily the important thing. Ensuring that the overview page doesn't become overwhelming is the thing. This is where grouping will be useful.

shawna-slh commented 1 year ago

Should we include all the the easy checks that were in the previous version? (OK to leave off the harder ones?)

shawna-slh commented 1 year ago

OK here's a pass at one idea to "get the brain juices flowing" for editors discussion then EOWG discussion.

Background: Easy Checks Prioritization

Easy checks:

Core checks:

Video and audio checks:

Harder checks:

Maybe add later:

Not including in this iteration:

@iadawn @AndrewArch

AndrewArch commented 1 year ago

Shawn, I'm happy with your grouping & prioritisation for now. I would personally like to see readability added back in - could even be an easy check if Hemingway is accessible

iadawn commented 1 year ago

Couple of things that I would argue about:

shawna-slh commented 1 year ago

To clarify -- one idea above was just to have something concrete to discuss — it was not meant to be a proposal at all. I added text to hopefully make more clear.

AndrewArch commented 1 year ago

On reflection I'm wondering if we try and group the checks by what people will be checking, e.g.:

We might end up with a miscellaneous group at the end, but I think this type of grouping would be better than Easy, Core, Harder mixed in with Multimedia and other information-type groupings

shawna-slh commented 1 year ago

If all the checks can be made easy, then I fully support that idea.

My big concern is how often we've heard, "this is not easy" -- from users in hands-on WAI tour sessions to recent usability testing of the prototypes. (a few notes about that in https://github.com/w3c/wai-easy-checks/issues/84 )

My gut feeling is that we'll want to ease users in with some really easy checks first. And, we'll probably want to indicate some that might be harder, in respect for the audience.

And, I'm quite happy to be wrong -- that we craft all checks to be pretty easy to most audiences! :-)

(And even if we did re-title it, I think we still have the same purpose, audiences, use cases, etc.) (note not to let this issue tangent into the title discussion - if we want to revisit that, it should be a new issue or discussion.)

shawna-slh commented 1 year ago

I also agree that we don't need to make final decisions on grouping for a while.

One idea for approach:

iadawn commented 1 year ago

Please move this to the dicussion #144