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Left navigation and overall section organization issues #324

Closed brianelton closed 4 months ago

brianelton commented 5 months ago

There are a few navigational issues with the HPWDUTW resource. The current version (https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/) has three sub pages that contain all of the information for this resource, so there is a fairly simple left nav.

The updated version that is currently being worked on has additional sub pages within those original 3, which means another layer of links for the left nav. Unfortunately, the left navigation cannot accommodate the additional layer of sub pages, both technically and because of visual spacing constraints.

There have also been concerns raised about the general navigation within the resource, and whether it is intuitive.

This issue has been created to track discussions and possible solutions.

Ref: #313, #303

lakeen commented 5 months ago

Based on: https://deploy-preview-113--wai-people-use-web.netlify.app/people-use-web/

My suggestion for left side navigation: (I'm not sure on what the order should be but do think that Videos, components, principles, and course should be at the top.

Introduction to Accessibility

brianelton commented 5 months ago

@lakeen I updated the formatting in your comment. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

If so, one issue is that there isn't a page dedicated to HPWDUTW videos. The videos are incorporated in with the user stories. Based on that, do you think we should we move the perspective videos up one level and not have a group of videos? Or do you think we need to add a page dedicated to HPWDUTW videos?

lakeen commented 5 months ago

@brianelton my thought was to create a page with a compilation of the HPWDUTW videos. That way people who learn from watching as opposed to reading and watching could have them all in one place.

brianelton commented 5 months ago

This was discussed in the EO planning meeting, and we think that this radical a change would need to be made outside of the context of the HPWDUTW project. It is not without merit, but would require a lot of discussion and user testing.

Staying within the context of this project, I would like to suggest this left navigation structure (no reordering of navigation items, just changes to the hierarchy):

Based on the existing Tips section (https://www.w3.org/WAI/tips/), we could maintain the How People with Disabilities Use the Web page, but only show it in the left nav when the user is on that page. On other tips pages (such as https://www.w3.org/WAI/tips/writing/) the main tips page is not in the navigation. So, when a user is in any of the Stories of Web Users, Diverse Abilities and Barriers, or Tools and Techniques sections, there is no left hand nav item for the main How People with Disabilities Use the Web page. It only shows if someone when to https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/ directly.

brianelton commented 4 months ago

See https://deploy-preview-326--wai-people-use-web.netlify.app/people-use-web/user-stories/ for possible navigation pattern.

iadawn commented 4 months ago

Looks like a good approach

shawna-slh commented 4 months ago

Generally, yes! Good way to handle the current limitations.

My only question is about having a HPwDUtW landing page. I think we do need it because a. it's been around for ages and there are pointers to it throughout the world, and b. it provides overall context for how the information fits together (and why Tools and Techniques is under People section)

A couple of options:

  1. Put it at the same level and right above Stories of Web Users, Diverse Abilities and Barriers, Tools and Techniques.
  2. Keep it as a landing page but don't include it in the overall navigation, e.g., like https://www.w3.org/WAI/tips/ (which is not in the main navigation, e.g., https://www.w3.org/WAI/design-develop/ )

I'm leaning towards option 1.

A related issue is the h1s. I think we want to follow the design pattern that the Stories current has, e.g., https://deploy-preview-326--wai-people-use-web.netlify.app/people-use-web/user-stories-one/

Ade, reporter with limited use of his arms in Stories of Web Users, How People with Disabilities Use the Web

(which is also used in the curricula, e.g, https://www.w3.org/WAI/curricula/foundation-modules/people-and-digital-technology/ )

brianelton commented 4 months ago

navigation has been updated with @shawna-slh option 1.