w3c / wai-personalization-standards

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"branding" personalization work #7

Closed shawna-slh closed 2 years ago

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

Summary: We want to come up with a title for this work that will be clear and will resonate. Think "ARIA".

Background on Personalization: Personalization Overview page, Personalization video (4 minutes), Personalization presentation (18 minutes) plus slides, Janina's Intro to EOWG 11 February

Collection of ideas: Personalization module renaming - summary from 24 January discussion


This issue gathers brainstorms and ideas. Please add your thoughts. Even ideas that won't work directly might help fuel other ideas...

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

brainstorms from past meetings:

iadawn commented 2 years ago

I am avoiding the acronym trap (mostly):

We (@mpalmersg and I) did come up with:

Sylvie42 commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of an acronym like ARIA, in particular, the idea of "PAd" for "Personalized Adaptation".

Other ideas:

SteveALee commented 2 years ago

Riffing on content:

jade-mc commented 2 years ago

Has the word 'optimize' come up yet? If you add 'Adaptable' in there as well, then we won't be far off Kevin and Mark's AERO, let's defo make that work.

Kicking some ideas round my head here: personal accessibility/adaptable optimizing/optimization.


There are linguistic considerations with the acronym thing: either we use this chance to come up with an acronym which has real meaning, and this is an advantage. Otherwise whatever we come up with runs the risk of having an acronym forced on it, so people will just turn it into an acronym if it's a long phrase (and it might end up being a bad one!)
For reference: https://readabilityguidelines.co.uk/grammar-points/abbreviations-and-acronyms/ https://louisearonson.com/acronyms-3-simple-rules-for-making-them-meaningful/

JenniferChadwick commented 2 years ago

I prefer 'personalizable' to 'personalization' and agree with the distinction being important. Importance of the word "adaptable" to be kept in there.

Considering Steve's inclusion of the word "content" (what you're changing) and personalizable (what you're doing with the content).

PAL - Personalization Adaptation Language (similar to ARIA being a language / code as a way to personalize).

Personalizable Content Adaptation Language (P-CAL)

I like the word "optimize" but feel like personalizable should be included, not replaced by 'optimized'.

hkramer commented 2 years ago

Personalized Design - a play on "Responsive Design"

kakinney commented 2 years ago

Want to be sure we don't lose the user piece of this. That these adaptations are to support people, users of the site to make it more understandable to them in the way they need it. Its semantics so that a user agent can adapt content.

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

From @matatk (e-mail)

It seems that something around "adaptation" was a strong focus, like content, and something to indicate that the adaptation would be for a particular user, such as "Personalizable" or similar would be required.

lwolberg commented 2 years ago

Great brainstorming here. We reviewed it yesterday, and while we agree that an acronym should not be the deciding factor, we can't help thinking of acronyms as well.

In this round, we found "semantics" is the most exciting aspect of this spec, so we played with that word quite a bit.

Personalizable semantic accessibility: PSA Personalizable accessible semantic attribute: PASA Semantic Accessible Personalization Interface: SAPI

matatk commented 2 years ago

This thread is great, as have been our discussions with EO. I was just chatting with @mbeganyi about how we might decide which is a particularly good name, and wondered if it would help for us to be thinking about who might be the primary audience for the spec itself...

There is also the philosophical question about the perspective from which we should be naming the specs. Should we call it by...

I think any reader of the spec is likely to at least read the title and abstract, and maybe the start of the Explainer too. That means we don't have to rely on the title to impart everything, though it still needs to be good at imparting whatever we decide is important to impart.

bakkenb commented 2 years ago

Just another thought on an acronym that is pronounceable...

UPAC - User Preferred Adaptable Content UPAC - User Personalizable & Adaptable Content

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

I added link to minutes from 7 March to the first comment in this issue.

lwolberg commented 2 years ago

The keywords we played with, in no particular order

And these were mentioned along with many others

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

About Acronyms: If it is 1 word or 2 not-too-hard-to-say words, then people probably won't use an acronym. If three or more words, then acronym is likely to happen whether we want it or not.

bakkenb commented 2 years ago

About Acronyms: If it is 1 word or 2 not-too-hard-to-say words, then people probably won't use an acronym. If three or more words, then acronym is likely to happen whether we want it or not.

Agreed. I don't have research that backs this, but my personal experience shows it to be fairly typical.

And if there is no easy to say acronym, then people will just use initials to refer to it. Examples:

People will automatically start to do this just to be quicker with the name and not say the three or more words.

jade-mc commented 2 years ago

Hmmm, slightly disagree here, people are lazy and will shorten everything, even if the words aren't particularly lengthy or complex.
Maybe not one letter, but 2 letter acronyms/initialisms are everywhere: All of the American states The UN The FA CD AA e.g. EO!

mbeganyi commented 2 years ago

I've found myself leaning more towards "Personalized Adaptations" over anything else, and have an acronym suggestion.

The reason I like "personalized" over "personalizable" is because the former indicates a stronger state of the content: the content is personalized, whereas the latter implies that it can be personalized. I think the former is more affirmative and it's a shorter word. Both words function identically except for the can be versus is aspect, in my opinion.

I propose the acronym SONATA, borrowing from the "s-o-n" of "Personalized" and the "a-t-a" of "Adaptations". I think this provides a nice correlation, given that ARIA has musical connotations as well. Beyond that, music is the universal language, as they say, and since we're trying to provide a meaningful ontology for all users, I find it particularly fitting. It's also easy to type and could function semantically as a prefix like "aria" does.

I do acknowledge that it's a bit unusual to borrow letters from within the word, but I very much like the musical aspect to it (musician's bias, perhaps).

bakkenb commented 2 years ago

Interesting concept @mbeganyi.

Might I take this one step further. To be completely metaphorical about the name and staying in the same musical theme of ARIA...

I propose simply "Segue"
Let me explain...

It is not an acronym, and contains no words like personalization, adaptable, content, inclusion, etc. Instead, just uses the meaning of the word itself to describe what "Pesonalization" is/does. It is a catchy word that should be known throughout the world. It is catchy enough to where people will remember it, recall it, use it in conversation, and it could also be used as a prefix.

To me the definition is perfect...


  • /ˈseˌɡwā,ˈsāˌɡwā/

verb (in music and film) move without interruption from one piece of music or scene to another. "allow one song to segue into the next" noun an uninterrupted transition from one piece of music or film scene to another.

This "personalization" spec can provide an uninterrupted transition from one representation of content to another representation of the same content.

People will first hear it, "Segue, what is that?" Once it is explained to them or they read about it, they will not forget the name and what it is.

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

beautiful brainstorming leading from one idea to another!

RealJoshue108 commented 2 years ago

I'd pick SONA - Semantic, something, something, Accessibility. My 2 cents

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

A reminder that we are leaning towards a prefix for a series of modules, e.g.,:

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

I appreciate @matatk and @mbeganyi thoughts about the primary audience for the spec itself. And I think we still probably want to use words that describe the purpose of the spec/modules.

"Personalizable" is hard to say and gets flagged as a spelling error in many dictionaries.

While I love the brainstorms and was pushing for a nice acronym... I'm now leaning towards two clear words and not a fancy acronym, largely given Janina's comments about people not knowing what this is.

More brainstorms:

iadawn commented 2 years ago

Agree on your points @shawna-slh. I like:

Mostly because that does more to explain what it is.

lwolberg commented 2 years ago

User-centered design (UCD) is an iterative design process in which designers focus on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process.


User-centered Adaptable Content

mpalmersg commented 2 years ago

Customisable User Semantic Personalisation - CUSP

lwolberg commented 2 years ago

I propose simply "Segue" Let me explain... ... People will first hear it, "Segue, what is that?" Once it is explained to them or they read about it, they will not forget the name and what it is.

@bakkenb -- This is a bold move, and is worth exploring.

lwolberg commented 2 years ago

A reminder that we are leaning towards a prefix for a series of modules, e.g.,:

  • Prefix: Semantics Content Module
  • Prefix: Help and Support Module
  • Prefix: Tools Module

Super important! The "prefix" name must ring true with all of these. So let's try it on, with my last brainstorm:

  • User-centered Adaptation Specification: Semantics Content Module
  • User-centered Adaptation Specification: Help and Support Module
  • User-centered Adaptation Specification: Tools Module
lakeen commented 2 years ago

Enabling Personalized Content Personalization Enabled

daniel-montalvo commented 2 years ago

ADAPT: Accessible Definition of Adaptable and Personalized Technology

iadawn commented 2 years ago

What about just Adapt. When talking about them I would just say 'you can use adapt attributes to do that'. Then the the modules would be:


SteveALee commented 2 years ago

Riffing off the musical reference of ARIA how about PAEAN - Personalisable Agent Evaluated Accessibility Notation?

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

I'm really liking

"Adapt specifications":

I'm looking at revising the Personalization Overview -- e.g. "The Adapt specifications enable tailoring the [content and] user experience to meet the needs and preferences of individual users."

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

I added EOWG 11 March 2020 Minutes to the first comment in this issue.

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

A rough example of how "Adapt" could be used is in this draft preview: Adapt Overview

shawna-slh commented 2 years ago

Creating new issue on specific suggestion: Personalization -> Adapt specifications ? #9

becka11y commented 2 years ago

I realize this is closed and I have also put the following comment in #9.
Some members of personalization had concerns with Adapt. Another suggestion has been put forward, APT – Adaptable Personalisation Techniques. Is this something that can be considered?