w3c / wai-showcase-examples

Accessibility Showcase Videos
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Start/title and ending screens #108

Closed nitedog closed 8 years ago

nitedog commented 8 years ago

From @slhenry

In EOWG telecon https://www.w3.org/2016/02/12-eo-minutes#item03 we discussed the point(s) in: https://github.com/w3c/wai-showcase-examples/issues/47 and there was support for the idea of some visual text at the ending &/or beginning ("Adina: Yes that is a great idea and can use a banner to start and end as bookends to the action and idea demonstration. ... to help them walk away with a sense of an actionable item." "Eric: State topic first in a catchy way and then add referenced URL to bring clarity and uniformity.") I'm not seeing this in the updated scripts.

nitedog commented 8 years ago

@slhenry - what needs to be in the start and end screens?



bakkenb commented 8 years ago

For the title "Start" screen, I think it should be simple so that it can be fast. Title of video and title of resource and including any applicable logos (W3C or WAI).

For the end screen, I like what is listed... URL of resource, logos, credits, & copyright.

AndrewArch commented 8 years ago

+1 to Brent

nitedog commented 8 years ago



Note: the resource page (eg. "w3.org/WAI/perspectives") will have text to supplement the videos, links to further resources, and contact & feedback email.

yatil commented 8 years ago
nitedog commented 8 years ago

Agreed to keep video title per face-to-face resolutions