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List of languages always visible top right on desktop #17

Closed yatil closed 5 years ago

yatil commented 5 years ago

Straw proposal for if the decision is that on "desktop" the list is always visible top right:

While I'm generally a fan of having the full list of languages displayed on the top right, we have to consider that the “jump to main content” link is currently right aligned.

That means, depending on the languages available, the link would change position.

Having only the icon for changing languages (accompanied by text) would mean a more consistent placement of the “jump to main content” link.

r12a commented 5 years ago

... unless the languages appeared to the left of the 'jump to' link, right? I think that's what i would do (using flexbox).

shawna-slh commented 5 years ago

To clarify: "Skip to Content" would be in the same line of text. If the list of languages is short, it would be further right; if the list is long, it could be closer to center or even left.

Having only the icon for changing languages (accompanied by text) would mean a more consistent placement of the “jump to main content” link.

Consistent position of the "Skip to Content" link seems very minor compared to the strong reasons for having the languages always visible: pros & cons at Always visible vs. select; "using a pulldown [or other] to select languages should be avoided whenever possible" and "I strongly recommend using a list of links" — r12a

I think the "Skip to Content" will mostly be used by:

Maybe I'm missing some important &/or common user scenarios?

yatil commented 5 years ago

... unless the languages appeared to the left of the 'jump to' link, right? I think that's what i would do (using flexbox).

Yes, we discussed this (separating the visual from the tab order), but I think it would not be something that would go well in the accessibility community as we preach that the tab order should go from top left to bottom right (in LTR languages).