w3c / wai-translations

Future home of translations guidance and information on translated resources
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Implement UI (Implementation Spec) #23

Closed yatil closed 5 years ago

yatil commented 5 years ago

from #21 to not confuse with the discussion about the visuals vs. the implementation details.


Implementation steps:

  1. [x] Remove link “Change Text Size or Colors” from header. (Note: Orphans this page: https://www.w3.org/WAI/meta/customize/)

  2. [x] Change ARIA-Label of the nav to say “Skip Link and Language Selector” (instead of “Skip Link and Accessibility Options”).

  3. [x] When no translations are available add link “All Translations [A-Z]” with a link to an overview page with translations.

  4. [x] When translations available:

    1. [x] On small screens (up to 768px/48em):

      1. [x] Add a button “[x⃕a] Select Language, Translations” (Icon uses #000.) that toggles the following behavior:

        • [x] Change label of the toggle to “[x⃕a] Hide Languages - -” (Note: Might use our expand/collapse anything widget minus the design from the style guide. MUST NOT LOOK LIKE BUTTON BUT INLINE TEXT LINK.)

        • [x] Change label of the toggle to “[x⃕a] Hide Languages - -” (Note: Might use our expand/collapse anything widget minus the design from the style guide. MUST NOT LOOK LIKE BUTTON BUT INLINE TEXT LINK.)

        • [x] Adds text “This page in:” in bold & black. (Specified is “black”, I suppose using --off-black as used in the style guide). After “This page in:” add about 1.25em of right margin.

        • [x] Do NOT save the button state in local storage.

        • [x] Add link “All Translations [A-Z]” with a link to an overview page with translations.

    2. [x] On large screens (above 768px/48em):

      • [x] Add the list of languages as specified on mobile. As the last item in the list of languages add a button:

        • [x] By default that button is collapsed and has no visual label but the standard collapsed icon that we use with the expand/collapse anything widget. (Note: MUST NOT LOOK LIKE BUTTON BUT INLINE TEXT LINK.)

        • [x] When the icon/button is clicked,

          • [x] the button gets a label “… Show languages”

          • [x] The button hides the list of languages but not the black bold “This page in:” text.

          • [x] Add a variable to local storage that indicates the state of the button. (Our standard expand/collapse widget does that out of the box.)


Changes to standard components to make above work: