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Changelogs for translation updates #35

Closed shawna-slh closed 5 years ago

shawna-slh commented 5 years ago

We are considering effective, efficient ways to provide changelogs for WAI resources to help translators update translations. Here is an in-progress example: Changelog for Video Introduction...

Current plan:

  1. When there is a simple word change, we will list the before and after wording in the changelog.
  2. When it is easy to provide a diff file, we will link to that in the changelog; for example, diff.
  3. When there are several changes to a section, we are debating how useful it is to list the specific changes in the changelog, versus just linking to the new wording. Examples of options are below:

3. Option A — link to new wording only.

3. Option B — with text of new wording.


We welcome additional translations of the VTT file. Please send translated VTT files to wai@w3.org.

Changed to:

We welcome additional translations. If you translate the VTT file, please send it to public-wai-translations@w3.org. If you might want to translate this entire web page or others, please see Translating WAI Resources.

3. Option C — including markup/markdown.


We welcome additional translations of the [VTT file]({{ "/content-images/wai-video-standards-and-benefits/W3C_INTRO_SFHI.vtt" | relative_url }}). Please send translated VTT files to wai@w3.org.

Changed to:

We welcome additional translations. If you translate the [VTT file]({{ "/content-images/wai-video-standards-and-benefits/W3C_INTRO_SFHI.vtt" | relative_url }}), please send it to public-wai-translations@w3.org. If you might want to translate this entire web page or others, please see Translating WAI Resources.

Options B & C would take a little more effort to provide. If it is very helpful for updating translations, we will endeavor to do it.