w3c / wai-website-design

WAI Website Design and Redesign
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[Home page][content][images] Middle buckets #82

Closed shawna-slh closed 6 years ago

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago


shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

spreadsheet for latest: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oYO8xsoKHNWkxZ3IxOv3bOjhqV3dQddjRID5XCk_27Y/edit?usp=sharing

(doc with earlier ideas: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ofzqxTzj_VZ741-Cki2WpMMPCiZBhwNIu8JBWfTyW3g/edit?ts=59b92918# )

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

Brent and Shawn worked on content for the middle boxes.

Brent called them "Showcase Containers" and says:

Showcase both high priority resources or tasks -AND- most popular resources

Brent's initial ideas to get discussion started:

Tutorials A collection of tutorials on how to develop web content that is accessible to people with disabilities, and provide a better user experience for everyone. Web Accessibility First Aid Approaches for Interim Repairs - An overview with pointers to help address the most critical issues first, and where to go from there. Accessibility Principles An introduction to some of the web accessibility requirements for websites, web applications, browsers, and other tools, including references to the international standards. How To Meet WCAG 2.0 Also known as “QuickRef” A customizable quick reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requirements (success criteria) Presentation You Can Use Accessibility presentation materials designed for self-study, as well as for advocates to support the design and development of accessible sites and applications. Laws & Policies Governmental policies related to web accessibility. Also, a place to submit additional laws or policies not yet listed.

Shawn suggested:

I like having the topic &/or primary audience at the top of the box, instead of the doc name. However, we'd need to make it clear that this is just one featured resource for that topic/audience, not all or the main thing for it/them.

Potential topics are here: <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oYO8xsoKHNWkxZ3IxOv3bOjhqV3dQddjRID5XCk_27Y/edit#gid=0

Second pass at content to start with:

Getting Started Featured Resource If you need to urgently address accessibility in an existing web project, see Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs.

Basics Featured Resource For an introduction to requirements for websites, web applications, browsers, and other tools, see Web Accessibility Principles.

Standards Featured Resource For a customizable checklist of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines requirements (success criteria), see How to Meet WCAG 2.0.

WCAG 2.1 Update To learn more about the status of the WCAG 2.1 Working Draft and plans for completing it in 2018, see What about WCAG 2.1?

Alicia<-James: I think this approach would need some visual design tweaks from Alicia...

yatil commented 6 years ago

Can we not use phrasing like “see [link to resource]” and instead use a contemporary method of outright linking to resources for the sake of accessibility (easier to understand and easier to click areas)?

As the items are on the homepage, it is clear that they are featured. That’s the point of the home page :-D

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

@yatil, We could still have the whole area clickable.

yatil commented 6 years ago

@slhenry But then I think the title we’re linking to should be the first thing in the link.

bakkenb commented 6 years ago

+1 to @yatil

lakeen commented 6 years ago


VivienneConway commented 6 years ago


shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

@yatil I don't understand "But then I think the title we’re linking to should be the first thing in the link."

yatil commented 6 years ago

@slhenry Instead of having “Something Something Something, see Resource XYZ.” and linking the whole thing, we should have “ResourceXYZ Something Something Something” – basically keeping the current structure.

James-Green commented 6 years ago

mentioning @aliciafrausto to see if she'll get an email about this issue while we wait to get her in this group

aliciafrausto commented 6 years ago

I've created a mockup with the 2 ideas I see in this string. https://visa.invisionapp.com/share/KTDO6S6VS#/255341903_column_Alternates

I've removed the icons as I'm not sure they are relevant with the new content.

bakkenb commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the visualization @aliciafrausto.

In my opinion, I do not like Option B for a few reasons.

  1. I don't like "Featured Resource" repeated at the top if each box. I understand that it may be important for people to know this is a featured resource so they won't be too upset when these change from time to time and they need to get used to using the top navigation to find the resource (or just use their bookmark). If we really need to indicate that these are featured and will be changing, then I would suggest putting a title (heading x) above the four boxes that says "More Featured Resources" or something like that.
  2. If "Featured Resource" needs to stay in each box, then I don't like following it with the category. When doing so, it seams like that is the name of the featured resource. Then there is a link with what seems to be another name of a resource (which of course is the actual name). Either way, I am strongly concerned that people will start calling the resource by the category instead of the proper title. Then when it is moved, they will ask us, "Where did the Basics resource go?" or "Where did the Getting Started resource go?"

In Option A, I like that it does not say "Featured Resource." Again, I think best to put that as one title above these boxes. In addition, I think it would be good to add a bit to the categories in Option A to make them more actionable. For example:

I do think it would be good to have small icons for these boxes as it draws the attention of the eye. Also they seem more like four distinct boxes for some reason when the icons are there. I agree with Alicia that the current icons don't fit/match. New icons would have to be created.

yatil commented 6 years ago

The content of the individual boxes is irrelevant at this stage. What should be the approach?

We already have this: https://w3c.github.io/wai-website-components/components/detail/teaser-four-teasers.html

I can easily add a black subtitle to it, just tell me where it should go. (I think it fits nicely in-between the icon and the title.)

This is very late in the game, at least for the UT and we need decisions asap if we want to have a chance of having them implemented.

bakkenb commented 6 years ago

I know I am not the only one that should weigh in on this... hoping other will too.

But I will restate what I said in earlier comment, I prefer Option A.

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

Thank you, Alicia, for mocking up ideas. It helps to see concrete examples.

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

We're shoe-horning, and it's not fitting.

yatil commented 6 years ago

I changed the content to what was provided to me. The texts are now weirdly doubling the titles and we don’t have proper icons to go with each item, but it’s the only thing I can do for now.

Concrete changes welcome.

yatil commented 6 years ago


shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

moot now with latest direction of home page. phew :-)