w3c / wai-website-design

WAI Website Design and Redesign
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[Home page] WAI intro blurb #94

Closed shawna-slh closed 6 years ago

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

Latest home page prototype: https://w3c.github.io/wai-website-components/components/preview/example-home.html (fyi, I think the font will be the same as throughout -- not bigger as it seems right now)

What is the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?

WAI develops resources to make the web accessible to people with disabilities, including:

WAI encourages participation from around the world.

yatil commented 6 years ago

(fyi, I think the font will be the same as throughout -- not bigger as it seems right now)

I like the bigger font; it is a nice counterweight to the tips.

WAI develops resources to make the web accessible to people with disabilities, including:

  • guidelines widely regarded as the international standard for web accessibility
  • support materials on understanding and implementing web accessibility WAI encourages participation from around the world.

I feel strongly that we don’t want to have a list in there.

Just a brainstorm rewording, not feeling strongly about it:

“WAI develops internationally recognized standards for web accessibility and support materials on understanding and implementing web accessibility. We encourage participation from around the world.”

(I do not particularly like the “around the world” part, it sounds oddly specific. We also encourage participation from different groups and industries and with diverse backgrounds, and we might want to include that..)

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

Would like to come up with different heading than "What is the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?"

Maybe general

or more specific, e.g., along the lines of:

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

brief notes from Judy: bigger than guidelines.... supports W3C Web for All mission...

VivienneConway commented 6 years ago

I'm also not fond of the 'around the world' as it seems odd, keeping in mind the W3C's membership. I like the idea of "We encourage participation from different groups and industries and with diverse backgrounds". Maybe the drop the 'also' from the previous suggestion.

yatil commented 6 years ago

“Web for All mission” sounds weird to me.


Web Accessibility is a core principle of a Web for All. In W3C, WAI develops internationally recognized standards as well as educational support materials that help understand how to best address web accessibility. Participants from around the world participate in our working groups to support this principle.

I wonder if instead of “web for all” we could introduce our “Essential for some, useful for all” lingo that many people like.

VivienneConway commented 6 years ago

My problem with ‘Web for All” is that is the name of the W4A (Web For All) Conference.

(Edited by @yatil to remove email footer.)

shawna-slh commented 6 years ago

Wording not in latest design, so closing this issue.