w3c / wcag-act

WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT)
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ACT does not require that the language of text is indicated #573

Open bert-github opened 5 days ago

bert-github commented 5 days ago

(This is part of the review by the Internationalization WG.)

4.2. Rule Description https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/WD-act-rules-format-1.1-20240618/#rule-description

a description that is in plain language

The description may be displayed or printed and to do that correctly, you need to know the language and the writing direction of the text. Which means that one requirement on the format used for storing rules should be that it must have a way to indicate the language and direction of text. (HTML is an example of a format that can do so.) And a requirement for the author of the description should be to make sure the language and direction of all text in the description are indeed specified.

Referring to ‘Strings on the Web: Language and Direction Metadata’, maybe in a note, may be useful. It explains why language and direction are needed and describes best practices.